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  1. I want to add EN language to my site for foreign customers, but all product names and descriptions in EN language are either empty or wrong. Currently have ~20K products(constantly changing via XML upload), so I'm not able to translate all of them to English. Is there any module which would copy all descriptions to EN language automatically? I can do it manually via DB, but it's quite complicated and quite difficult to do it regularly. Similar threads I found in forum are from year 2012-2015. PS
  2. Hi, seems to work much better now I need to test it with other browsers, but looks like the problem is solved . Thanks
  3. Somehow this module is conflicting with revolution slider.. Revolution slider loads fine w/o chat module, but when chat module is enabled, it constantly shows loading icon and sildes are not displayed. Same happens on desktop and mobile..
  4. Hi, I tried this one: https://github.com/PrestaShop/watermark but unfortunately it gives 500 error when trying to configure: "The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error". Something is broken. Please let us know what you were doing when this error occurred. We will fix it as soon as possible. Sorry for any inconvenience caused." Any ideas?
  5. Noriu pasidaryti upgrad'ą iš 1.6 į 1.7 versiją. Noriu darytį visiškai švarų install'ą, nes per senesnius upgrad'us yra likę kažkokių nesamonių duombazėje... Kas bus su google paieška? Visi esami linkai dings? Dabar paieškose patenka į pirmus puslapius, bet bijau kad po upgrado viskas nuvaziuos žemyn. >10K prekiu, joks rankinis linkų tvarkymas netinka.
  6. DPD pardavėjai sako neturi PS 1.7 modulio .. Čia irgi nieko nėra: https://www.balticode.com/moduliai/dpd-siuntu-pristatymo-moduliai/
  7. Pribrendo noras paupdatiniti savo presta į naują 1.7 versiją, bet pastebėjau, kad DPD modulis palaiko tik PS 1.6 ir pagal DPD darbuotojų atsiliepimus supratau kad artimiausiuose planuose jo nera. Yra variantas keisti į Omnivą, kaip apie juos atsiliepimai? o gal kas turite DPD dirbantį su PS 1.7?
  8. I have tried this method, but after deleting the last module, next time it gives the previous module in the list and so on.. Any idea how to track the one that gives error? BTW clearing cache helps opening "modules" once, but clicking on it again gives the same error.
  9. 1: HTTP 200 - parsererror - Fatal error: Class 'Csa\Bundle\GuzzleBundle\CsaGuzzleBundle' not found /app/AppKernel.php on line 48
  10. Thanks for everyone, I managed to solve the issue myself.. Some of 'PS_IMAGE' table rows had emtpy strings in 'URL' column instead of NULL values.. Replaced all empty string with NULL and .... everything is fine again Also cleared cache.
  11. I don't have enough knowlege to debug the page.. Can someone help me finding out whre does this picture comming from? It looks like problem is only happening to products with color attribute.
  12. Here is an example: http://www.rcshop.lt/rcshoplt/off-road-110/1088369-vrx-racing-spirit-ebd-1-10-buggy-24ghz-rtr.html Product ID 1088369. ps_image table gives following images: 10442 and 104441 In Backoffice they are displayed correctly, but front page generates link with picture 1637. This happened to at least 10-20 products, always showing picture 1367
  13. Some of my product strated showing wrong images in front page..If I log to back office these products still have right pictures. I thought my DB is corrupted, I checked image tables "_image", "_image_shop", "_product_attribute_image" - they are all taging right pictures.. But front shop is still showing wrong picture from completely different product (same picture for all products affected by this issue). Deleted cache, disabled non prestashop modules, regenerated images - nothing helps Any ideas?
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