I cant figure it out to be honest, so nothing yet. I actually installed woo and to be honest, my previous ovh servers were much faster and the new contabo ones aree way slower. But the contabo ones have room to upgrade in steps which is why I moved. Theyre cheaper and with more resources.
However, I am currently configuring the new servers to reflect the old on. And an initial config that got the site working, albeit slow was to add this to the chost file in apche.
ini_set('max_execution_time', 6000);
I have no idea how or why that worked. I also remember some configs related to file limits being added to the server settings somewhere. I will post them here as I try them. But at present Im focusing on getting all the sites over to the new vpss, Il dig into more detailed config problem solving over the coming weeksAnd post my findings here.
Also, Im not sure if this has anything to do with it but my previous vps has 1gbits connection. The new one only has 200mbits connection. The sites are noticable slower, but as I said, those numbers go up as I upgrade the servers so can handle it so far.
If you find a solution I would appreciate it. Many thanks.