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  1. Thanks iown, I have switched to another ecommerce platform for now but if I do choose to switch back to PrestaShop, I will keep it in mind.
  2. Vekia, I made a new post at this link http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/246621-paypal-express-shipping-not-updating-nor-being-passed-to-paypal-from-product-page/
  3. Hello, first off I am referencing an issue from this post http://www.prestasho...-cart-carriers/ but had a few other problems which I would like to solve. Initially my problem was that "Free Shipping!" was showing up for any product in my cart even though the Carrier selection at the bottom of the page might not have any free shipping available. I read in the above post that a guy had to edit the values for "Free shipping starts at" in his Shipping / Shipping section first to a high number and then go back and remove all his carriers and price and weight ranges and re-add them. This did fix my problem, although it would have been great to only edit the "Free shipping starts at" figures and not have to redo the other work. Perhaps this could be an improvement in the code going forward. Anyway, so here are a couple issues which I have now seen and cannot figure out how to resolve. I am running PrestaShop and using the default PayPal 3.5.0 module to handle my Express Checkout. So the first problem is that I am still unable to pass the shipping values from the Product Page using the PayPal express module. I don't want to remove the PayPal button from the product pages but I find it strange that no sort of shipping prices flow through to PayPal even though when you go to the Cart, there are shipping values there. So in other words, the user is on the Product Page and they see the value of the product but I understand that no shipping choices show up there. When the person clicks on the PayPal Checkout button, and they are taken to PayPal, I need to have the Carrier and Shipping selection "go with them to PayPal" so the user can select their shipping. If that is not possible, the user should be able to at least see the shipping on the product page and select those options first before going to PayPal. There really is no reason for the customer to have to click on Checkout in my opinion. Why add an extra step which is not really necessary. Also, in my Cart the shipping values (this is the part between the product value and the total value) only update if I choose "Update Cart" after selecting a different carrier. For example if United States is chosen and the value is $9.99 for shipping, and I then select say Japan, that $9.99 stays there and flows through to PayPal unless I select a new carrier in my list and choose "Update Cart". Technically the customer should not have to do this at all. I think once the country is changed the shipping values should reset or it will cause a lot of confusion for the customer. So I am not sure if I need to configure my settings differently for these two problems or what exactly my next step should be. If someone could advise how to fix, it would be appreciated. Update: I have attached a couple screenshots of the first part of the checkout page and also the product page to hopefully better explain the situation. On the product page you can see the value of the item and the PayPal Express button but on that page there is no shipping option, so the value of the product is the total price in PayPal. Even if the shipping selection cannot be made on the Product Page, I would think the shipping option would be selectable on the PayPal site but this is not the case On the checkout page, currently the shipping of $9.99 is there but if you select a foreign country, say Japan, that Total Shipping value stays at $9.99 unless the customer also selects the carrier and then chooses "Update Cart". If the customer does not do this and simply continues on to PayPal Express, the total of $19.94 is carried over to PayPal which obviously would be incorrect if going to another country in my case.
  4. Thank you so much, that did do the trick. Still interesting how these options seem to be buried in the code or various files. Would be nice if these options were in the back office. Do you have any advice as to how complete novices like myself can locate details like this going forward? I bought and read through the PrestaShop 1.5 Manual and did a search on their online documentation but obviously did not come across anything. Like there must be some "intermediate to advanced guide" where you can quickly locate such details.
  5. I went ahead and deleted the carriers and re-created all of my price and weight rules. That fixed the issue but I am still unable to pass the shipping values from the Product Page using the PayPal express module that comes with PrestaShop. How would I fix this now? I don't want to remove the PayPal button from the product pages but I find it strange that no sort of shipping prices flow through to PayPal even though if you go to the Cart, there are shipping values there. Also, in my Cart the shipping values only update if I choose "Update Cart" after selecting a different question. For example if United States is chosen and the value is $9.99 for shipping, and I then select say Japan, that $9.99 stays there and flows through to PayPal unless I select a new carrier in my list and choose "Update Cart". Technically the customer should not have to do this at all. I think once the country is changed the shipping values should reset or it will cause a lot of confusion. If someone could advise how to fix, it would be appreciated.
  6. I am having a similar issue, is there a way to solve it without having to delete and create new carriers? I already have my Shipping / Weight ranges setup and if I delete the carriers those would have to be re-created. So wanted to find a better way to do this.
  7. Hello, in my Viewed Products column, I would like to know how to show more characters for the title. Currently some of the names of my products show up as "Ball..." or "Whistle..." or "Dry Table...". I have no problem with the way it looks but I would like to know if I could allow the whole name of the product to show up or at least have control of how many characters show up before the "...." appears. I went to the following directory: /themes/theme_name/css/modules/blockviewed/ and tried changing various values inside the "blockviewed.css" file but of the few values I tried, none achieved the results I was looking for. I attached a picture of the Viewed Products to show what I mean and also a copy of the file I was attempting to edit. Thanks.
  8. Hello, I don't quite have the same problem but I would like to add the customer's phone number and email address to the order complete/success template. I'm still building my store, so it is not live as yet but I know that this is an option I had with another vendor. So could someone please let me know what variables to use such as {phone_number} or {customer_email} or even if there is a list of variables available to me, so that I can reference them for future use.
  9. Hello, this is with respect to the default USPS module that comes with PrestaShop v1.5.4.1. I installed and enabled the module, it asked me for my USPS information which I did not have at the time. I went ahead and Disabled the module for now. However, I am trying to select Configure or Disable or Uninstall and it is throwing the attached error. I assume it is throwing the error because I did provide my USPS id initially but I would like to know how to get past the error and uninstall the module? I realize I shouldn't just delete it from my server but I'm not sure what else to do right now. If anyone could advise it would be appreciated. Thanks.
  10. Hello Gary, I was wondering if you found a solution to this problem?
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