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  1. It worked for me by using this post - Then, clear the Cache and everything works perfectly.
  2. Hi all, same problem here - when i open the filter i can't click on any of the options, only on OK button to close it. My version of the shop is and it is a fresh install. I have downloaded the pack from www.prestashop.com, set up manually the database and installed it on my own. Even though this problem persists and i can't fix it. I have tried uninstalling the module (the version is 3.5.0), deleted the folder and again instating it but nothing. Same think. Any suggestions and solution?! Thanks! My issue was solved by reinstalling the theme.
  3. Hi all, i have a PrestaShop and in the Back office i have set up the part with a Customer Service. My e-mail massages that comes in to my inbox are synchronized with the Customer Service threads. The problem is that some of the customers writes in Bulgarian (a Cyrillic alphabet) and those messages are not readable at all. Instead the normal text PrestaShop shows some symbols (attached pick). I have tried to change the encoding of the e-mail by asking the hosting company for help but that doesn't help at all. If i look at the e-mail in the mail box directly everything is as is should be but in the Customer Service part i can't read anything. And this is only happening with the customers that writes in Bulgarian. If any one can share if the same problem is crossed all over the users i'll be happy to hear the solution. Thanks!
  4. Hello there, i am using Prestashop and i got a problem with displaying all image of my products. All images under the main image of the product are shown like question mark but they are all uploaded (i am adding a new products). Also when you cross over the cart block the dropping list contain all details about added product/products but the image is again question mark. When i am going to click over the product's image all images are there in their large version but the smaller one are again question marks. I have tried to regenerate a thumbnails but didn't worked. Any help if there is someone with solved same problem? Thanks! PS: Here it is the address - www.freya-aromati.com
  5. Hi there, our shop just got updated to PS 1.6 and it is seem to be ok with that new version. Just can't fix the problem with Facebook block on home page yet but we are working on it. Here are the link www.freya-aromati.com
  6. Hello there, i just udated my PrestaShop from 1.5.6 to 1.6.0 and i can't log in to my back office. I can't even push the button LOG IN. I have alreadu cleaning the cach of the brouser with Ctrl+F3 but the problem remains. A little help will be gratfull
  7. Hello there, i had to activate a function from Preferences General so i can add multimedia clips in my products description.
  8. Thanks all! I'll tray all of your suggestions.
  9. I already tried that one but the error message continue to appear.
  10. Hi there, i am using Presta Shop script for 5 years and i just wandering is there any module for implementing a videos from youtube in products page? I already trayed to use a video function in products description field but when i click on Save the error message appears (The text descrition is incorrect.) or something like that. I can't remember. So is there some way to "import" a video to a product page without any extra module or .... Thanks in advanced!
  11. Hello there, i am traying to update my PS store from v1.4.9 to with this new modul 1-click update. Everything seams to OK until instalation reachs the databsa update. Then the massage is appear and it's satys something about Ajax error. At the end of this massage it's says that the instalation will begin a redu... or something. When i click on OK button nothing is happed. If i tray to refresh or leave the page instalation canceled and my shop not responding any more. I have to bebuild it from last archive - the php files and database to be online again. Any ideas someone?!
  12. Hi, i am sorry. I correc it already. Please review it.
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