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Everything posted by RCP90

  1. Legend! Thank you so much, that gives me a good idea.
  2. Hi Guys, After some time of testing Prestashop and other open source packages we are finally looking to move to PrestaShop. We will be moving from our existing package to PrestaShop, we have our hosting and design in place. I am the website administrator and have been getting used to how PrestaShop works over the past year. Our current shopping cart is industry specific and quite restrictive, which is why we are moving. What I need to find is either a business or qualified individual who we can turn to when we have an issue or technical requirement. Work that comes to mind would be, for example, upgrading PrestaShop, implementing order exports to our internal software, general fault finding/fixing etc, etc. Ideally it would be good to know that if something breaks we have someone to call who can help us with the issue. Some key requirements are: Preferably UK based, although will consider other European based options Proven track record in PrestaShop support/development I am just trying to gauge the cost of this type of service and find out what is on offer and what best suits us. Primarily it will be ad hoc support but I am open to a possible support contract. If anyone has any suggestions please do let me know. Thanks!
  3. First of all this post is over 1 year old. Secondly, yes you are right there is not a category ID column on the CSV, but each category created in the back office has an ID, you use that ID in the category column on the CSV, so maybe you misunderstood my previous post.
  4. Sorry, misread your question. Same question here, Vekia had the solution. http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/307812-show-promotion-date-price-in-product/
  5. What happens when you use URL rewrite, does it still display the category ID?
  6. What exactly do you mean by transfer? Are you trying to upload the products via CSV in imports?
  7. Hi, You can create price rules, including the dates which the price rules will run. Here is some useful documentation of PS price rules. http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS16/Catalog+price+rules Hope this helps you
  8. Hi, From looking at your file is seems you are trying to import a few thousand products at once. What happens if you try to import just a couple of products? do you still get the blank page? First of all test with a couple of products, to see if you can recreate the issue If they import fine then it is probably due to a timeout of the maximum execution time. Also you should turn on error reporting as this will also give you an indication of where the problem lies. Hope this helps.
  9. No, I just tested again on 3 stores and works fine, although on it works differently and will deactivate all new themes modules once it is renamed. Didn't do that on previous version. but you should always back up DB and store.
  10. Select default theme in b/o, rename new theme folder via FTP, change theme name and directory in phpmyadmin, switch to new theme in b/o, and then it works.
  11. Are you using I have just tested the method which also gives 500 error, but this method worked fine in previous verisons. If you rename to what it was originally the error will remove. I will try to find out why this happens on
  12. In phpmyadmin find the table named ps_theme it will list the themes which are installed. Then change the directory name of the theme you wish to change and edit that field. Here is an example, in this case the installed theme is Warehouse, so you would change the directory name to whatever you wish. Hope this helps.
  13. Are you using GoDaddy by any chance? because quick search of the forum reveals others with this same issue, which relates to GaDaddy configuration. Here Here Here And there is sticky here. If not, look at console errors, and also turn on error reporting see what there is.
  14. That is great, the other methods did not result in good results. By changing the directory over FTP and via phpmyadmin worked perfectly, with no issues. Thank you!
  15. Good afternoon! I am encountering an issue when installing a theme. With error reporting turned on I receive the following message: Catchable fatal error: Argument 2 passed to ObjectModelCore::hydrateCollection() must be an array, boolean given, called in /var/sites/t/mysite.co.uk/public_html/classes/PrestaShopCollection.php on line 358 and defined in/var/sites/t/mysite.co.uk/public_html/classes/ObjectModel.php on line 1486 The problem I am having is that the installation process seems to be crashing when the theme is being extracted. I have an execution time of 1000 on the server, and have tried to install said theme via back office, uploading it and also via the FTP method. I have used various other themes on different sites and never seen this particular error. I have used various other themes on different sites and never seen this particular error, and unfortunately the author has not responded to my query. Any help or assistance will be greatly appreciated! Thanks
  16. OK so I fixed this. I noticed that the issue of not being able to rename a store ( either in BO or in the DB) would only happen with 1 click installs, via hosting CP. Manual installs it will save the rename, but never on 1 click installs. I used the DBcleaner module, tried again to rename, and this time it saved.
  17. Hi, Just installed fresh version of and my product pages are looking like this: http://puu.sh/9TrrI/e3aa3e761c.jpg Any ideas why?? thank you! Fixed this one. For some reason the new installation had not installed the product comments module. Installed it and the product page works fine now.
  18. i also updated all of my modules, and used the 1 click upgrade. upgrade went fine, but now cannot log into back office, it does not recognise my password.
  19. Just upgraded to from but my pasword is not being recognised, i thought I would try your solution anyway. Cannot find $fields = $class::$definition['fields']; in the admin controller admincontroller.php Any ideas? thanks
  20. I have tried changing the name in store contacts, SEO & URL's and in the database, and none of them once changed, update in the BO.
  21. Hi No, it is only in store contacts, and in the DB. When checking the DB it is correct, just never updates in the BO.
  22. Hi I have had this issue since 1.5. Whenever I change a stores name it will still always display "my ecommerce" in the back office and on the end of page titles. AFAIK there are two ways to change this. The first in BO>preferences>contacts, and the second by using phpmyadmin going to ps_configuration and change the store name. Thing is, whenever I change it in BO it does update the table correctly, yet still displays "my ecommerce". And If i change it in phpmyadmin, it will still not update the BO. So i am not really sure what else I can do. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  23. Hi, I am experiencing a similar issue with a new store. I uploaded a logo, which is only being displayed as about 60% of original size. I tried changing various parts of global.css but it is still displayed smaller. One strange thing i noticed is that if the browser is minimized to tablet/mobile size it displays the larger logo.
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