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  1. Another confirmation of success. Thank you very much for sharing the info. For clarification this seems to resolve the error quoted by the Origional Poster:- This error related specifically to and it seems that it was most noticable to those that had switched themes at some point. If you are having problems with a different version of Prestashop or with a different error message then your post probably belongs in a new thread. Thanks to all who helped to find the resolution.
  2. I feel your pain my friend, am sharing the same frustration. All I can say is that users will most likely be able to cope fine with the alternative non-ajax checkout experience, in my case it is an Administrative desire that the Ajax cart works in the visually appealing manner that it normally does. Think I'm gonna try to rally together the others that have been affected and try to get on the bug reports when possible.. I know we're not the only affected parties.. http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCFV-5675 http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCFV-8701
  3. I'm pretty sure changing the theme is what caused the problem for me... Apologies, crossed wires I think. I didn't mean to delete the cart rules.. I meant to disable to Ajax functionality... It's what makes the pretty animation across the screen when you add a new product to the cart. In my case either disabling the 'Ajax Cart' or the 'Paypal Module' had an immediate effect on getting things working again.
  4. Same problem here... I'm on a fresh install of, seems to have happened since I switched themes. Changing back to the origional theme doesn't resolve the error. It's also been raised in the following Posts:- http://www.prestasho...ut-parsererror/ http://www.prestasho...wn/page__st__20 Looks like it's either configure the Cart module to not use Ajax, or disable the Paypal module until the problem has been resolved...
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