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vivek yuvaraj

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About vivek yuvaraj

  • Birthday 05/12/1990

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  1. hello everybody, i have been trying product attributes to view in seperate tabular. And i added seperate table but i can't able to fix the product attributes to link to my table. Kindly help me with this. I have attached the screenshot of this. kindly have a look and direct me in right way.
  2. yeah i tried that too. I added categories to the top menu. but nothing changes
  3. hello everybody, i am working on my new site and i installed Alysum theme. everything working fine in mysite. except i can't able to configure or add drop down to top horizantal menu in home page. i tried topmegamenu module but it's not changing anything in home page. Which module should i edit to change the menu??? this is the link for my site. www.thelensshop.in/store
  4. Thank you for looking for me... few minutes back i got help from this forum and changed it.
  5. Thank you nemo that worked fine but i can't see border margin on products.
  6. feature products doesn't show margins for some products listed in home page. i have two css files for homefeature module. which file should i try? this is the url for my site. http://aeroworks.co.in/store/index.php
  7. Hello everybody, i am trying to add space between the search bar and feature products. I tried in global.css and in homefeature.css file but i can't able to find correct code. http://aeroworks.co.in/store/index.php
  8. Hello everybody, I am new to this forum and to prestashop. Don't hesitate this if i posted on a wrong column. recently i have installed prestashop 1.5 and everything working fine on the front end but i want to add some space between the search bar and homefeature module on the home page. i don't know which css file should i edit. i looked on homefeature.css and global.css file but nothing worked for me. Kindly help me with this. Thank you
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