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Everything posted by funkoff

  1. I found the reason of the problem. The Faceted search module updates. when i disabled the faceted search the image path became normal. I think it overrides the product list return object type some how. So is there any developer works on the facet module?
  2. The product listing images on the brands / manufacturer page does not shows. It brings the image url like this "https://www.bedworks.com.au/img/p/default-home_default.jpg" as you can see the image url structure is not correct. However, it is correct on other product listing pages including supplier (which they share the same template.). I believe it started after I update the prestashop modules to the latest version. I have disabled all non prestashop modules and overrides and it did not changed anything. Prestashop version: 1.7.7 example url: https://www.bedworks.com.au/27_sealy
  3. Hi, For example, I have a cart rule which is base on the selected product or selected product category, and it applies the discount to selected products or categories. Is there any way to get cart rule by-product on check out page if a customer buys base on what I offered them. My aim is showing last product price (with cart discount) on the per product line. Cart rule set up is like this: Conditions -> Restrictions -> Product Selection Actions - > Apply Discount percentage -> Apply disount to -> Selected Products.
  4. Hi everyone, Firstly I wanna describe my product. It is wood bed frame; First attributes are sizes: single, king single, double, queen, king all sizes are different price Second is wood type: pine or oak. Oak is more %20 expensive than pine. Third is colors: White, Black, Dark Brown, Walnut, Natural etc. (11 colors) colors do not change prices. What I did; I created combinations with combination generator, but I just used sizes and wood type than I fixed Oak product prices manually because of you can't select percentage on combination generator. Then I just added all colors manually. But the problem is when the customer select color it doesn't show in cart or order. Probably the problem is I have to combine all color, all sizes and all wood types but, it means 110 product nd I can't change Oak price or if I want to update prices it is impossible. Do you suggest anything? Thanks.
  5. Hi everyone, MY prestashop started to give different error. When i try to edit pictures of product in administrator panel. product image thumbs show question mark. i checked image path it is like that /img/p/x2/7/2/2/2722-small_default.jpg.pagespeed.ic.EOkYq3W5-w.jpg it have to be like that /img/p/2/7/2/2/2722-small_default.jpg.pagespeed.ic.EOkYq3W5-w.jpg. i defined the problem. th problem is "x" char after /img/p/. But i did not find the solution. where it can be come. it was normal before but now it not. Thanks
  6. i am trying to create combination. My problem or miss understood is when i try to create combination i have to add other combination get to gather like that; my product is Table and base price is $100. I have attributes for Table length like 100cm table base price ($100), 120cm Table + $20 , 150cm Table + $50, 170cm Table + $70 like that. but customer can add some extra option for this table for example Table special width. Ekstra 10cm add $10, Ekstra 20cm $20, Ekstra 30cm $30. do i need the combine length and width (like ). it is take lot of time and so many combination it so odd. i don't wanna use combination generator i already created table length and prices width is new feature. it can be more like color leg length etc. Do you know any way to add top of the price for attributes. like base pice + option 1 price + option 2 price + option 3 price. i thought it has to some way because our old system oscommerce was support this things. thanks.
  7. Easy Testimonial order no: 209898 http://addons.prestashop.com/en/administration-tools-prestashop-modules/4466-easy-testimonial.html i already sent two support mail but no body contact with me this is shame for prestashop.
  8. i bought a module but it wont work it has problem. i have sent mail two times prestashop but no answer. how can i contact with any responsible people. thanks
  9. is this question hard or ... why this forum is so quite. thanks
  10. i am trying to upgrade 1.5.6 to 1.6. i tried it on local test site with one click update but it was not good. i lost modules status (enabled or disabled) and positions. my default theme changed and also image sizes changed. it enables new modules etc. what is the best practice for update. how can i keep my theme and modules configurations. also i have some custom modules or modified modules how can i manage this processes thanks.
  11. Hi, My server is cloud 4bg ram 2 cpu. when i try to release apc cache option my server going down.server ram usage normally max 1.2 gb but at that time it goes 4 gb. i am getting to many sql connection errors or others. and i have newrelic account problem is this function "CacheApcCore::_set" it is response time is very slow . max active user is 20. if i turn off apc server server is pretty good but you know web site speed is slow. this is my dilemma. What do you prefer. xcache could be better for us ? Thanks.
  12. Hi i need answer. what is wrong in this forum . thanks.
  13. Hi i did some research. i didn't get any error . but some thing is wrong like that. This is ajax request from product sort. product[]:tr_299_454_0 product[]:tr_299_409_1 product[]:tr_299_408_2 product[]:tr_299_407_3 product[]:tr_299_406_4 product[]:tr_299_405_5 product[]:tr_299_404_6 product[]:tr_299_403_7 product[]:tr_299_455_8 product[]:tr_299_456_9 product[]:tr_299_549_10 product[]:tr_299_461_11 product[]:tr_299_460_12 product[]:tr_299_459_13 product[]:tr_299_458_14 product[]:tr_299_457_15 product[]:tr_299_402_16 product[]:tr_299_401_17 product[]:tr_299_48_18 product[]:tr_299_47_19 product[]:tr_299_46_20 product[]:tr_299_45_21 product[]:tr_299_44_22 product[]:tr_299_42_23 product[]:tr_299_41_24 product[]:tr_299_40_26 product[]:tr_299_43_27 product[]:tr_299_132_25 produc t[]:tr_299_49_28 product[]:tr_299_463_29 product[]:tr_299_162_30 product[]:tr_299_687_31 product[]:tr_299_711_32 product[]:tr_299_59_33 action:updatePositions but if we check actual response in image you can see the sort is different. (please read item id sorts.) http://img42.com/viRQX+ Sorts changes after id 44 in this screen shot. Thanks
  14. Hi, i am trying to change position by drag and drop. but it wont work. it seems changed position but if i refresh categories in admin panel it returns back. do you know any reason for this issue. os: Windows 7 home premium browser: chrome prestashop version: 1.5.6 Thanks
  15. i think problem is layered navigation module. when i disable it is showing perfectly. Thanks
  16. i created test environment. you can see the same result with default theme http://fast.bedworks.com.au/270-timber-wood-beds example Cambridge timber bedframe
  17. has any body have same problem. i think it is bug.
  18. in product list page some product prices are zero "0" and some products are out of stock. but if you click product you can see product price and it is in stock. i didn't figure out the problem. please help. example http://www.bedworks.com.au/270-timber-wood-beds and product name Van Gogh Storage Bed Frame or you can see many product. my presta version is
  19. My product is mattresses. it has size combination like single,double, queen, king. my other product is bed base it also has same sizes. is it possible to migrate both product like who buys mattresses it can be add base. but i don't wanna create combination for this thig. it can be 2 product but it seems like a attribute. i know sounds is stupid but i need it. Thanks.
  20. My product attributes effects to product price. i combined all of them. But when i try to filter my attributes for example by size (sizes are effect prices) product list page show default price. i need display filtered attributes price for example small sizes prices. is it possible or how ? Module: Layered navigation Prestahop version: Thanks
  21. I tried both of them no way. now my seo conf is Friendly URL No Accented URL No Automatically redirect to the canonical URL Yes Disable apache multiviews Yes Disable apache mod security No
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