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Everything posted by Jonj1611

  1. It's great that there are fantastic users on here getting involved and trying to fix this issue. For a shop system though this should have been something that was fixed a long time ago. dsgnmind - This thread has gained a lot of traction in the last couple of days and I was waiting to see what the final resolution was from the people like yourself changing the code etc before I had a go on the site I am working on. I will give it a go today and report back. I think my problem was the same as everyone else's so hopefully the shipping changes will work ok. But as I said will give it a go Thanks to every single person that contributed to this thread
  2. Really? I hope thats not the case as I have been trying to get this sorted for quite a long time, I really like Prestashop but will have to change to something else if I can't get this one issue sorted. Over all the problems I have had I can usually find a work around but something saying free shipping when it's not is a real problem both from a professional point of view and a legal one, well for us in the UK anyway.
  3. Does anyone have any updates on this? I can see fixes have been made but they don't seem to be included anywhere, it's a real problem for me and have tried contacting the author of Prestashop by everyway possible but no reply at all. All I want is for it to show 0.00 instead of free shipping :/
  4. Just bumping this up as the problem is still there in 1.5.4
  5. Nope no response to email either :/
  6. Ok mate, thanks for replying, will give that a go.
  7. Hmm, no way of contacting him by PM, that doesn't seem to be an available option to me :/
  8. Hi, Yes, thats what I thought, I will send a message, many thanks
  9. Hi, Here it is mate :- http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCFV-4151
  10. I cannot see that anywhere, are you sure?
  11. The free shipping that shows up in the cart is a bit annoying, is there anyway to change it so it just shows 0.00 ?? I can see on the forge.prestashop site it has been fixed within the last month, but the latest version I am running is which I believe dates from December, how do I get that fix? Thank you
  12. Hi, I have 3 shipping providers, lets just say :- Shipping Company 1 Shipping Company 2 Shipping Company 3 On the product page I have 2 carriers selected, Shipping Company 1 & 3 But on the basket page, it shows all 3 carriers as being available :/ Its the module that estimates shipping and taxes, when you login and get to the shipping screen it correctly shows the available shipping companies. Additionally if you are not logged in it doesnt matter what shipping company you choose as it never updates the cart anyway. Any ideas?
  13. Hmm, thats odd, I thought I had, but cannot see it on here, Ah well, here it is....again lol If you edit blockuserinfo.css which can be found in themes\thgr00027b\css\modules\blockuserinfo\ Go to line 47 then delete float:left, that should sort your problem. Or you can comment it out as mentioned above.
  14. I have just this minute done it, yep it is solved following the instructions given in this thread, thanks to all that helped, very much appreciated.
  15. Is it possible to use this module to put youtube videos in item description? Est-il possible d'utiliser ce module pour mettre des vidéos youtube dans la description produit?
  16. Hi, Thank you both for the great help and while I had edited and messed around with things in Chrome I never knew that you could find the actual filename and line from it! Thats going to save me so much time in the future. This is a great forum and as said the extra help some members give is amazing, thank you so much your time and effort
  17. Hi, Thank you very much for looking into that, that is appreciated and a great help to me. I found what you said and can edit it out in Chrome, however it just returns, so I assume Chrome is just editing it while its active in Chrome and then reverts to normal when Chrome is exited. Do you know which file #header_user_info is in? Again thanks for your help.
  18. Hi, I have Chrome so will try and inspect the element, here is a link to the theme, I did ask in the thread but no reply. http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/218022-new-free-template-for-prestashop-15-by-graphileom/ I will check out the div, thanks for your suggestion
  19. Hi, It was a fresh install of Prestashop to which I added a template, once I added the template then the problem happened, I have tried to contact the template author but no response, its a free template though.
  20. Is there any code I can post or anything that may help? I just have no idea why its dropping down like that.
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