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    austin, tx
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  1. I would like to know if google can read/ interpret the categories and subcategories on the homepage of my site. My category and subcategory names actually are the keywords people would search for, but I don't know if search engines interpret the words in the main horizontal menus or the drop downs.
  2. I didn't. I ended up just reentering some products manually. Not fun, but doable since it wasn't that many. If this had happened on a huge section it would have been a big problem! Maybe one of us should post it in the bug tracker.
  3. I tried taking down the ganalytics and google sitemap module (those were both in-house prestashop modules), as well as a 3rd party Prestashop XML Exporter, but I still get the same error message. The error message doesn't show up when the cache is off. I also emptied 'cache' and 'compile' in cache/smarty. I think the only other thing I have uploaded recently is google's code file to verify ownership for either google analytics or merchant/ base. Any idea what might be causing the error?
  4. The error came back after I turned the cache back on and changed the template cache from 'force compilation' to 'recompile templates if the files have been updated.'. Right now products and categories are showing up alright, but that is based on having the cache off and forced compilation. When I turn change those two settings, I get Undefined index: unifunc in /public_html/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php on line 561 Fatal error: Function name must be a string in /public_html/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php on line 561 (I did take my login name out of that since it is in there in the error message right before public_html) The error goes away and the page shows when you hit 'refresh.' That doesn't seem right. For now I can just keep the cache off and force compilation, but I suspect that will slow up the site.
  5. I got the error to go away by deleting a third party googlebase import module I had uploaded and installed last week. I think the module came from a forum posting that started in 2011, so maybe the module caused problems for version 1.5.4. I just tried removing the few google oriented modules I had installed recently to see if one of them was causing the problem. Thank you for the help, Milos!
  6. When I get to product level pages, they report this error: (I turned on error reporting and put the site in development mode in the config/defines.inc file) Undefined index: unifunc (/public_html/tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase.php, line 561) This is what I have in line 561: $_template->properties['unifunc']($_template); I did install the ganalytics module in the last week, which is about when this issue came up. I don't know if that has anything to do with it. Should I replace the tools/smarty/sysplugins/smarty_internal_templatebase file with a new copy from 1.5.4 (version I'm using now)? Any ideas for how to handle this would be very much appreciated!
  7. Today 240 visits and visitors. However, when you look at visitors online now, the listing of guests shows visitors (usually 3) with the the same IP address. So of the 27 people viewing the shop now, there are only about 9 different IP addresses. They are all on product pages, so that doesn't seem suspicious. Visitors origin is almost completely from direct links except for a couple from semalt.com and privhosting.com, and a handful from google. Do all those visitors coming from direct links make sense??? I am getting google analytics hooked up right now to see if more info helps.
  8. Me, too. My site has only been up a week and a half and nearly all visits are from a 'direct link'. Is this probably just traffic from hackers trying to access the site, or what? Anyone have any experience with this? Thank you!
  9. That did it. I actually swapped out a custom image for the bg_maintenance.png in my theme's image folder. Thank you!
  10. I would like to remove the shopping bag image from the maintenance page. I have looked through my theme's maintenance.tpl file, but I can't identify what to change to remove it. I can tell where my store logo is, but not the shopping bag image. Does anyone know how to remove that image?
  11. Woops! I was editing the number of items per row in modules/homefeatured/homefeatured.tpl, not in themes/default_grid/modules/homefeatured/homefeatured.tpl. I edited the themes version, and it worked. Should have remembered this from other postings I have read. Thank you!
  12. It's strange. I changed the number of items per line as Milos said, but it didn't seem to fix it. I believe I have forced compilation on. I will try doing the 3 products per row alterations and see what happens.
  13. I have it in maintenance mode still. It hasn't gone live. How can I work around this?
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