I have PS 1.4.7.
I have several different customers with different percentage discounts on my products, i.e GROUP 1: 10% discount , group 2: 20% discount and so on...
I have managed to show the price with tax and without tax both in product-list and product page , however I would like to show "Original price" and then have the ORIGINAL price show without the group discount... I would also like to show the percentage discount given...
For example a product which costs 100 and a customer whom has 10% discount because he is in group 1 would like it to show following:
Original Price: 100 USD
Discount: 10%
Your price: 90 USD
Please help, I have not found any information regarding this, and the solutions I have found ONLY work on product specific discounts , I need it to show original price ALWAYS , even when group discount customers are logged in.
Thankyopu in advance.
You may view my site: www.alexo.se
Products are found by using the scroller at the top of the page.