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  1. @veijari Hook actionProductAdd does exist in PrestaShop 1.7 - https://devdocs.prestashop.com/1.7/modules/concepts/hooks/list-of-hooks/
  2. I think this message is talking about folder inside Prestashop not global /var/cache folder of OS. /var/www/html/"Prestashop folder"/var/cache folder
  3. I have similar bug only with shipping cost not updating and total amount to pay wrong.
  4. Strange. Even you trying to change 'minimal_quantity' column nor `available_date`. My table don't have "Adjust Privileges" column as on your screenshot. Try to un-check it.
  5. You need to change structure of table for this field.
  6. I am willing to help. Message me if you interested.
  7. I could do it. I did for previous version PrestaShop. Send me message.
  8. I could develop module that will calculate shipping price based on amount of products in order. 7 my shipping modules are in Addons Marketplace. Send me message (PM) if you still need it.
  9. Do PrestaShop still accept application for Integration Fund?
  10. Hi! Is Integration Fund is still accepting new application?
  11. I could develop payment module. My modules are on official Prestashop Addons Marketplace.
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