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Everything posted by RosesCCRS

  1. My site has come to a virtual crawl, slow and drags for minutes to load anything both back office and store front. We have been back and forth with Go Daddy, have rebooted servers,etc to no avail. Is there anything within Prestashop that I can do? I lost a customer the other day because of this and we are at a total loss. Thank you in advance. I need help urgently and don't know where to turn.
  2. For the year we have been online ( our Visitors Online has worked just fine and now, every time we click on it, it shows that there are no visitors, no customers although the visits and visitors stats for that day will show hundreds. The only change we have made lately is adding a new template. It seems this started on or about the 1st of November. The template was added in early October. Any ideas why?
  3. I agree with Michel2015 above. Is there an alternative to this? I have PrestaShop™
  4. Suddenly we have a big problem loading images. It was dragging and giving the red bar "undefined error" message even though the images we not too big. I contacted my hosting company and they said all was well on their end. Now, any new product images look like they are accepted but not showing up on the Home page or with the listing. In addiion, in the Back Office the tiny images to all of the other products are missing (see attached) but appear with the one that does not show up on the Home page. I was altering some of the Image Preference settings but can not figure out if I did something to cause this.
  5. Hello, When I set up my business last November, I had someone simplify the menu (see attached) to the product descriptions because we have many multi-sellers and at the time, we felt it would be better to keep it very scaled down and simple so many of the buttons were hidden. NOW, I need them back, in particular the HTML button. Could you tell me where to find it and what to do to restore it? Or could someone do this for me who knows Prestashop well? I have been back and forth with the person who changed it and this is what I received for an answer but my friend who manages my coding, etc. can not figure out what to do based on this info: "it should be in following file /modules/agilemultipleseller/views/templates/front/products/information.tpl textarea_lang.tpl There should be a HTML called textarea in that file. Even if I do not tell you, you developer should be find where it is. If you developer does not know. PrestaShop and Smarty, it might be difficult to make that changes."
  6. From the HOME page, if you click on ADOPTED, periodically it takes you to a random sellers page.
  7. But I don't think that is what is occurring. They are logging in from the Home page, not another sellers URL.
  8. I am not sure I follow you on how this effects the login. It also occurs when not logged in. Often, when I go to the HOME page and click ADOPTED (this is what we call the sold items) it takes you to one of the sellers ADOPTED (sold) items not ALL as it should be. There is something very wrong, the behaviors seem to be the same both logged in the back office and front.
  9. I am not indicating that the modules are the error. I added the modules to the topic for those who may not be familiar with how my sellers access the site. The seller has NO WAY to be able to access another virtual seller. You have to have a log in email and password to do so. This is the problem. As you can see in the screen shot when they log in, they see ANOTHER sellers name in THEIR account. This should not be occurring and it is causing concern that someone could see their personal information. I don't know if it is the module or something else that could be causing the issue, that is why I posted it here in the General section. PLEASE, I urgently need help.
  10. Anyone? This is happening in the back office and the front page. See samples above.
  11. I have highlighted and marked the images attached in my original post to clarify.
  12. Anyone? I am also noticing that when I click on a category on the home page, it takes me to one of the sellers not ALL of the sellers as the category indicates A LOT. See attached sample.
  13. One of my sellers just logged into her admin and another sellers name is on the page as well. You will see that Lynn's (the girl logging in) name is at the upper left corner but another sellers name, Dorothy is next to My Account, etc. The log in user can only she her own private information but this looks highly unprofessional and it is alarming to the seller and I have no clue as to why this is occurring. This is the second time this has happened to this seller, it has not occurred with anyone else, yet. Any advise would be greatly appreciated. THANK YOU for your time. These modules enable multiple sellers: Agile Membership management module Agile Multiple Seller module Agile Multiple Shop Agile Paypal Parallel payment module Agile Seller Shipping module
  14. Yes, with Go Daddy. I called them first when this occurred and they told me that it was not their issue, that it was Prestashop. Right at this moment however, the back office seems to be back to where it was and appears to be at a good speed. I deleted a few modules...could that have been an issue?
  15. I am version Suddenly our site is incredibly slow in the back office. We have checked and double checked virus's/settings on the cPanel on the new Vps server we upgraded to a couple of months ago. But everything drags severely all of the sudden. I am wondering if someone could give me a quote to take a look at my site to see why this is happening and also to look at my other settings to determine if we are using Prestashop to the best of it's ability. Please send a message/quote here to my inbox. Thanks a million.
  16. Thank you, This is what he said: When I run the profiler, I get the following error at the bottom of the homepage: http://screencast.com/t/RehvfO8zTq And when I run the profiler, I get the following in the Admin section when clicking on the Products tab: http://screencast.com/t/iQeTF9ld
  17. I'm sorry for my ignorance, I don't do my programming. I'm relaying all of this to my friend who does. When you say "the file"...where is that obtained...in the code or something I get from the back office? I am so grateful for your knowledge. Thank you again!
  18. I am version Suddenly our site is incredibly slow in the back office. We have checked and double checked virus's/settings on the cPanel on the new Vps server we upgraded to a couple of months ago. But everything drags severely all of the sudden. PLEASE HELP! Thank you!
  19. I edited the problem with photos above...new issue now. Thanks everyone!
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