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  1. From the screen shoot that I posted above. I really can't access anything. Even to check my back Office . Here is the other screen shoot:
  2. how to do that? because i cant access my dashboard at all
  3. Hallo All, I dont know what happened with my admin page It looks so strange. Need help please
  4. Do we ned to edit manually for every language? or will that be instantly change?
  5. It seems to be so , but actually I can't edit my product, whenever I try to save its always not saved, and when I deactivate the multistore it remains same, I trie to change the domain name without www the result is I the editor tools in the product which I already added are just dissapear
  6. Udah di non aktif kan multi store tetep aja nggak bisa save kalo mau editing, trus kalo domain nya dirubah contoh: tanpa www jadinya malah nggak bisa mengedit sama sekali bahkan tool editornya menghilang di tiap product yang udah ditambahkan.
  7. Hallo, Saya baru di Prestashop, sempat baik-baik saja sebelum meng-upgrade version 1.5.3 tapi sekarang ada masalah lagi. setiap login ke back office pasti ada warning dan nggak bisa mengedit product yang udah di add. You are currently connected with the following domain name: mervehijabshop.com This is different from the main shop domain name set in "Multistore" page under the "Advanced Parameters" menu: www.mervehijabshop.com Click here if you want to modify the main shop domain name Tolong bantuannya. terimakasih
  8. Hallo, I am a newbie, I am currently facing a problem. After I upgrade prestashop to 1.5.3 the site was showing ERROR and I couldnt find my site. and know it is showing message You are currently connected with the following domain name: mervehijabshop.com This is different from the main shop domain name set in "Multistore" page under the "Advanced Parameters" menu: www.mervehijabshop.com Click here if you want to modify the main shop domain name How to solve this problem, need your help??????
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