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  1. hi! could you please describe how you found the answer? Thank you!
  2. I have finally fixed the problem. Solution: the emails addresses to which the notifications are sent to, may NOT contain uppercases. This bug is present in other modules, so I thought I would give it a try and it was in fact also affecting this module.
  3. Hi! We're on version When the module MAIL ALERTS 2.1.1. sends out emails, they show only placeholders without values (see attachments). The emails that the client get are OK. I found threads with similar problems and I tried the solutions I could, but they didn't fix the problem. I have tried changing the default language, but it didn't help. Does anyone have an idea? THank you!
  4. You can switch back on that setting in the module called "Mail Alerts". Modules > Module Manager > Mail Alerts
  5. Vielen Dank, hat wunderbar funktioniert!! Ich hatte davor alles versucht gehabt und war verzweifelt.
  6. Hello! How can I configure the module "blocktopmenu" to appear expanded (1 level deep) as default on mobile? Please see the picture attached. I have searched forums for the answer but I could find it. Thank you ! ascker
  7. Merci pour le module. Il fonctionne sans problème avec 1.5.3.
  8. this WORKED FINE. Everything back to normal, thank you so much! I was very frustrated. Thank you and happy new year!!
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