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  1. Hello, I have a shop in prestashop 1.5.4, installed these 2 modules pm_advancedtopmenu purchased at the official store prestashop. In localhost it works perfectly, but when I went to the store server (AWS EC2) it appeared those strange encodings in place to change the html content of the modules. What can this be? server configuration, encryption module, any extension is not enabled on the server. This error has happened to anyone or does anyone know what this is? Attached Thumbnails: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/278741-foreign-coding-in-the-module-configuration-pm-advancedtopmenu-and-homeproducttabs/?p=1400605
  2. Hello to all the forum, I have a shop in prestashop 1.5.4, installed these 2 modules pm_advancedtopmenu and homeproducttabs purchased at the official store prestashop. In localhost it works perfectly, but when I went to the store server (AWS EC2) it appeared those strange encodings in place to change the html content of the modules. What can this be? server configuration, encryption module, any extension is not enabled on the server. This error has happened to anyone or does anyone know what this is?
  3. Olá a todos do fórum, eu tenho uma loja no prestashop 1.5.4, instalei estes 2 modulos pm_advancedtopmenu e homeproducttabs adquiridos na loja oficial do prestashop. Em localhost ele funciona perfeitamente, mas quando eu subi a loja no servidor (EC2 do AWS) ele apareceu essas codificações estranhas no lugar do html para alterar conteúdo dos módulos. O que pode ser isso? configuração do servidor, criptografia do módulo, alguma extensão não habilitada no servidor. Já aconteceu esse erro com alguém ou alguém sabe como resolver isso?
  4. Hello friend, I also had this problem and managed to solve this: So you need to specify two times the new state : $history = new OrderHistory(); $history->id_order = (int)($id_order); [b]$history->id_order_state = (int)(4);[/b] $history->changeIdOrderState((int)(4), $order); [b]$history->add(true);[/b] More details see this link: http://forge.prestas...owse/PSCFV-5580 After a look at my shop prestashop modules: http://www.rfcmodulos.com.br bye
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