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  1. Hi! Random update, url rewriting only works when product is "offline", no idea why, so either have to click SEO tab to manually change, or have to turn product offline, work on it, then turn it online.
  2. one more clue, on front office if i see as guest, it's out of stock. if i see as user, it's in stock. anyone has any ideas?
  3. Basically back office products is kept updated through manual updates when new stock comes in or when a large order comes in which bypasses the shopping cart. However, we find that the front office does not accurately display quantity, and shows out of stock when the product is still in stock in the back office. Front office link: https://www.javysports.com/mats/1135-regular-folding-gym-mat.html Back office screenshot as shown. Does anyone knows why this happens, and how do I troubleshoot it?
  4. https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/328432-display-features-in-invoice/?_fromLogin=1 This actually worked for me, but I put it under reference and everything is to be in the same invoice.product-tab.tpl file in PDF folder. Hope this helps!
  5. Ok so I hunted everywhere and I could not find it on any forums, so I paid someone on Upwork to do it for me, use it if it helps you. All this does is take the customer message from the order process, and add it to the Invoice so my packers will be able to take note of any special requests. I am using this code on Prestashop In /classes/order/OrderInvoice.php file and add the following code in line 179 if( end($products) === $row ) { $row['first_order_message'] = nl2br($order->getFirstMessage()); } In pdf/invoice.product-tab.tpl file add this to the end <!-- Customer Order Message --> <br/> {if isset($order_detail.first_order_message) && $order_detail.first_order_message} <table class="product" width="100%" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" style="margin-top: 10px"> <thead> <tr class="product" style="width: 100%"> <th class="product header small" width="100%">{l s='Customer Message' d='Shop.Pdf' pdf='true'}</th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <tr class="product left {$bgcolor_class}" style="width: 100%"> {foreach $order_details as $order_detail} <td class="product left"> {$order_detail.first_order_message} </td> {/foreach} </tr> </tbody> </table> {/if} <!-- Customer Order Message --> If you want to buy me a coffee, here's the link: https://www.paypal.me/jeremyko88 Cheers!
  6. Hi Nemo1, thanks for your tutorial! Could you have the code shared in text form? I tried following the video but ended with server error. I am on Thank you!
  7. Hi all, I am using PS I would like to be able to list all the categories the product is associated with in the Product page. I tried following the video below but I got a server error after editing the product.tpl based on the instructions. Is there any other method I can do to achieve this? I only need the text and the link for the customer to click on the categories it is linked in. Thanks!
  8. I have gone into mysql to change pr_attribute_group to edit all from "radio" to "select". Tiring process, but better than going through PS GUI!
  9. Hello guys! This is a recent problem which I do not know how to isolate. For example you can see this link: http://www.movementfirst.sg/barbells-weight-plates/513-trigrip-rubber-encased-weight-plates-olympic.html#/weight-20kg When you click on the attributes, the price changes, but the radio button does not "fill" to show it has been clicked. When adding to cart, the correct clicked attribute is chosen. I would like to find out how to fix this problem. It could be an issue with how the javascript is processed. Alternatively, is there a way to edit via mysql to change all the attribute settings to drop down instead of radio? This will solve the problem too. Thank you so much!
  10. Have posted a bug report: http://forge.prestashop.com/browse/PSCSX-2635 No one else facing the same problems?
  11. I have hired someone from elance to look at all the issues. Upgrading to PS has been a nightmare! Unlikes 1.5.4 which is so smooth.
  12. You can see from this order how it appears in the BO and on the generated PDF, that it does not match each other.
  13. When I am generating invoices through the backend, the end product does not list all the products correctly (customer bought 2 products, only one listed) . I am on PS 1. I have found that only the LAST product in the list will be shown in the invoice generated. Found it across multiple orders. So if the customer ordered item 1, 2, 3, only item 3 would be shown in the PDF file. 2. On the same server but a different website on, multiple orders are generating fine on PDF. I tried copying the invoice.tpl file over but it does not solve the problem. 3. I am guessing the issue is not with the invoice.tpl file but with something related to "{foreach $order_details as $order_detail}" and how it is not calling the values properly. Which file should I look at to solve this problem? I am at my wits end. Any idea why this is the case? All help appreciated. (I have tried taking the default invoice.tpl file and replacing it with the one on my server and it did not work.) This is what is in my invoice.tpl file:
  14. What i posted previously breaks some other aspect of the site. Do not do this.
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