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Everything posted by alejandroprestashop123

  1. Where can i find the image name of products in database? I have 2 stores with prestashop and first uses this img url: Product id : 1 <img src="/img/p/1/1-small_default.jpg" alt=""> and the other store uses this img url... Product id : 1 <img src="/img/p/4/5/45-small_default.jpg" alt="45" title="45"> I need to show an image of each product in a <img> but i cant find image name on database and the second url of images are very randomly. I need help!
  2. Where can i find the product name and description in Prestashop database with Mysql select? Im creating my own product list and i need make this with mysql_query. I can find stock,product_id,reference,price,..... but i cant find the product name and product description. Anybody knows where can i find this values? At now my select is... $result = mysql_query("SELECT prod.id_product,prod.reference,prodstock.quantity FROM ps_product prod, ps_stock_available prodstock WHERE prod.id_product=prodstock.id_product"); Anybody can help me??
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