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Everything posted by NaveenYadav

  1. Hello, This validation will work on form submit. What I need to do if I want js validation as set for other fields?
  2. Hello, Is there any way to create multistore in above mentioned way? Please reply
  3. Hi, I am using Prestashop I need to create a multistore where I can use common theme in both store but different products for each store. There is no need to share products. So please guide me how to do this? Thanks in advance.
  4. I am waiting for help. Someone please help me. Thanks in advance
  5. Hello Everyone, I am using latest version PS1.6.1.3 of Prestashop. I have installed wordpress in blog subfolder. In order to use Prestashop header and footer, I included PS config.inc.php, header.php and footer.php files and hide WP header and footer. Now on blog post listing/detail page I am getting 404 in title and "pagenotfound" class in body. I want identify the blog list and detail page and add relevant class in body. Please suggest any solution.
  6. Hi, Thanks for reply but this is not what I want. This is for product listing in catalog and I need it for search in admin. I have attached image in my previous post.
  7. Hi, I am using Prestashop when I make a search in prestashop admin, I got a product list. I wanna show supplier name there. See attachment. I tried by modifying "AdminSearchController.php" file but did not success. So please help me how to do that. Thanks
  8. Hi, I am using Prestashop I have installed Eu Legal module. After few days I found server space is full. When I check cache I found that Eu Legal is creating lots of directory(approx 70000) inside root/cache/smarty/cache/. Please let me know why this is happening and how to stop this?
  9. Hello All, I am facing some problem to override controllers and classes in our custom module folder. Can Any one help me. Thanks Naveen
  10. Hello All, I am using Prestashop 1.5x In admin catalog products listing I want show manufacturer name. Please help me how to do this. I think changes required in "AdminProductsController.php" file.
  11. Hello All, I am using Prestashop 1.6x I want use paypal as Payment method. But user should redirect to Paypal site. Payment must be made on My Store. And payment must be done by credit card. So please anyone help me. how to implement this. or there is any free module for this Thanks in advance
  12. Hi, I am using Prestashop, I want Layered Navigation Block Module in Prestashop default Template. I tried by Hooking this module in mobile template. It show filtration option in mobile template but filtration is not working. Am I doing something wrong? Please correct me. Also if there is anohter way to implement filtration on mobile template then please help me.
  13. Hello All, I am using nginx server but I am facing problem in mod_rewrite. I have moved my site from local to nginx server. In local All is working but nginx server is not. So please tell what can do for resolve this issue. Thanks
  14. When I am trying to regenerate images it shows error like "Original image is missing or empty"
  15. Yes, Problem is on local host. On server it is fine. Also I img/p folder is there and all the images are inside p filder(old images structurer as was in PS1.4x)
  16. Hello everyone, I am using PS1.5.3.1. and I have enabled CCC and Media server#1. When I have downloaded site and configuring o localhost then images are not displaying. I tried by removing cache, regenerate .htaccess and images, remove media server but not success. Is there any way to display images
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