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Everything posted by SteffenL

  1. While knowing that I came off as somewhat rude (coming here and killing the mood), my genuine wish is for PrestaShop to become more successful. Since I've a decent understanding of how underlying systems work on a low level, I don't base what I say on only normal bugs (or even bugs at all). I understand what you mean, though. At least in my head, wanted to think of PS 1.5 as stable enough for production use. As a whole, I think that PrestaShop is rather good compared to many, and I would recommend it and vote for it once important design flaws (and of course bugs) are ironed out. Good luck!
  2. Hello, To be honest with you: After 2-3 months of customizing a friend's store and constantly fixing both minor and major bugs in Prestashop by myself, I will not be voting for this system. I do however wish you good luck!
  3. Hello, I assume that the normal way would be to edit the controller (ProductController.php), then assign variables for Smarty to pass to the template (product.tpl). You must also edit code anywhere else the long and short descriptions are used. Here's an example In ProductController.php, inside initContent(), look for: $this->context->smarty->assign(array( Add this: 'productDescriptionShort' => 'This is the short description: '.$this->product->description_short In product.tpl, look for: {$product->description_short} Change into this: {$productDescriptionShort} Result
  4. I figured something out yesterday and wanted to share it with you. In my case, {$logo_url} was always logo.jpg (apparently wrong). I think the number in logo-1.jpg is the shop ID (because of the new multi-store feature). In the database and in the table called "ps_configuration", there are some interesting things. This is what I found regarding logos (almost the same as this): PS_LOGO = logo.jpg PS_LOGO_MAIL = logo_mail.jpg PS_LOGO_INVOICE = logo_invoice.jpg PS_FAVICON = favicon.ico PS_STORES_ICON = logo_stores.gif I had not found this anywhere in the back office. But wait, there's more... PS_LOGO = logo-1.jpg PS_LOGO_MAIL = logo_mail-1.jpg PS_LOGO_INVOICE = logo_invoice-1.jpg PS_FAVICON = favicon-1.ico PS_STORES_ICON = logo_stores-1.gif There were duplicate fields with different values! This must have happened during my upgrade from PS 1.4 to 1.5, probably due to a bug. This is what I did: Deleted the duplicate fields. Kept only logo.jpg, logo_mail.jpg, etc, because some code still has these names hardcoded. You may have to keep the other ones though, especially if you use the multi-store feature. This solved all of my problems with the logos not appearing correctly.
  5. Oh, it seems like I had misunderstood the situation a bit (thought you were moving the site or upgrading it), but I'm not sure if I would have been able to help you doing it the hard way anyway! I'm glad you got it sorted out!
  6. Hello, With the little knowledge I have, I would make sure that: in the (root)/.htaccess file, all of the paths and domains (if applicable) are correct. in config/settings.inc.php, _PS_DIRECTORY_ (Prestashop 1.5) has the correct path. If you you still see the same error, you could try to enable PHP errors by setting display_errors to 'on' in config/config.inc.php.
  7. Hello, Edit: See this for a better solution that worked for me: http://www.prestasho...ost__p__1024773 I had the same problem recently, and it was because the name of the uploaded logo had changed from "logo.jpg" to "logo-1.jpg", but the old name was still being used somehow. In the file themes\<theme>\header.tpl file, look for the following. <img class="logo" src="{$logo_url}" I worked around the problem using this code instead. <img class="logo" src="{$img_ps_dir}logo-1.jpg" I don't know if there are potential problems but there haven't been any so far.
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