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  1. Thank you, we'll try to contact our host provider
  2. Another problem, now with paypal module. PS 1.5.1, paypal module 3.4.4 After payment (on paypal side) no transaction!!! But paypal tells that all ok and redirect visitor back to website, but on homepage... Of course, no order in BO. Any ideas?
  3. The same problem, but 403 error & ps 1.5.1 http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/218815-error-403-in-bo/
  4. Also, may be something like that: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/99950-strange-403-error/ but there is no solution...
  5. Hi, community, we need some help with strange error 403 in BO, when editing product description. If try to edit description to: - update successful, but if we try to add real description, for example - we get error 403. All debugging options are on, but no any message given. PS version: 1.5.1 Please, help us...
  6. The same problem, error 403 on save description (v1.5.1). Where is a problem? How to fix it?
  7. Thank you friends! That was content administrator fail, he changed category and subcategory structure. I don't know how, but he made something like cat/subcat loop.... Thank you for attention and help!
  8. We use prestashop multilang system. But yesterdays we get strange error - Fatal error: Out of memory (allocated 147849216) (tried to allocate 88 bytes) in /home/*/public_html/classes/ObjectModel.php on line 1465 But error throws only when we access one of all shops in multistore system. Also in admin panel - CATEGORIES disappeared root category (and all subcategories) for this shop, but in multishop tab we can see this categony and assign to shop! No any changes was made in code or settings in last 20 days, only shops administrators worked with products. From their words... It starts when they uploading category image for root category... We try to use 512M of memory, but... no effect. Any ideas? Please help...
  9. Well, seems bug is in cookies. If base website is for example shop.com PS creates cookie for that domain and use it for subdomain also, but in this case, you can not use another domain in your multi-shop structure... If we create new shop and assign to him domain name for example shop2.com, so PS will create new cookie for it. In result in browser we can see 2 cookies, one for shop.com second for shop2.com. So each shop works with own cookie file, but shop2.com must use shop.com cookie file.
  10. Well, seems bug is in cookies. If base website is for example shop.com PS creates cookie for that domain and use it for subdomain also, but in this case, you can not use another domain in your multi-shop structure... If we create new shop and assign to him domain name for example shop2.com, so PS will create new cookie for it. In result in browser we can see 2 cookies, one for shop.com second for shop2.com. So each shop works with own cookie file, but shop2.com must use shop.com cookie file.
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