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    Jersey, Channel Islands
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  1. I've done a search of the forum but can't find any posts on this subject so I'm hoping someone has already done this and can potentially help. We are in the process of moving to new premises (where we are hoping that sales are going to increase dramatically due to the better location) and need to integrate a cash till and barcode scanner with the stock control on Prestashop. Can someone please point us in the right direction? Thanks, Steve
  2. Hi, I've just come across a serious problem with Catalogue Price Rules I have created a -10% rule for a category of products, which is fine initially but, over time, it re-generates itself under the Specific Price section of each product in the category over and over again - until it reaches the stage where the server throws a 500 out of memory error. Can anyone throw any light on this issue?
  3. Sorry, final question relating to attachments. Can someone please tell me which folder the above method actually places the files on the server, as I can't find them anywhere!?!
  4. Smack me across the head with a wet kipper! Thanks Vekia. I'd missed that tab!
  5. Presta 1.5.2 Is there a specific way of linking to a zipped product manual for a customer to download when purchasing a physical product, or do we have to just put a standard (non-obfuscated) hyperlink on the product description page to the file in (say) the download folder/directory?
  6. Funnily enough, I tried the v1.5.4.1 when I was migrating to Prestashop from osCommerce but reverted to v1.5.2 due to some other issues. Now that the site is live and working (apart from several annoying, rather than critical, bugs) I'm not about to try and upgrade on a live site. When I have some free months available, I might try a fresh install of a later version and import the data from the live site. If I get that far and it all works correctly, then I'll do a swap over. Apart from the GST, VAT & Zero Tax issue, I also have the problem of some manufacturers having excluded territories that we cannot send their products to. I custom coded that on our old osCommerce site (so that they cannot physically complete checkout) but have not yet managed to figure it out entirely satisfactorily within Prestashop. I have an error message that appears over the relevant item in the cart (opc) but cannot figure out where to insert the code to hide the payment options when that occurs - so we still get the odd customer completing an order which we then have to cancel and refund (which is a bit of a pain!).
  7. Yes but the Delivery Slip is printable once the status is updated to "Order being Processed" - which is correct. The problem then, is that the system is then mistakenly under the impression that it has been "Delivered" - even though it hasn't been "SHIPPED" yet! This is clearly wrong. The "Delivery Slip" is for SHIPPING - it has nothing to do with whether or not the item has been delivered. ADDED: It seems to me then that the code relating to when the delivery note is available needs to be changed that it has nothing to do with the "DELIVERED" status of the order - the system is obviously interpreting the "Delivery" status in the order data as "DELIVERED" instead of interpreting it as "DELIVERY NOTE available for printing! The "DELIVERED" Status should only be after the order has ACTUALLY BEEN DELIVERED! And the inability to add a product should only be after an order has been updated to "SHIPPED" status (because then you no longer physically have it in the warehouse).
  8. BTW. Does the JerseyG moniker mean that you are in Jersey or New Jersey?
  9. Thanks G. Worked a treat! Funnily enough, I've had similar issues elsewhere where NULL should have been used rather than ZERO! Sometimes, you want things to work even with a 0 value - i.e. NO VALUE set being the conditional statement required.
  10. The problem is that if you set Delivery as 0 for "Order being Processed" Status, you can't print the Delivery Note for picking and sending with the shipment. (I think). The delivery note printing should be possible at the same status as printing the invoice. It seems that the inability to add a product once the is updated to "Order being Processed" status, it is interpreting the "delivery (note)" as "Delivered" status - which is incorrect. Every supplier we receive goods from includes delivery notes in the box with the tally marks from the picking staff. ADDED: the cut-off point should be the "SHIPPED" status anyway - not "DELIVERED". whether it has been delivered or not is irrelevant! You cannot add an item to a package once it has been "SHIPPED"!
  11. Hmmm.... Could this be in some way related to the inability to add products to an existing order that is in progress because the system thinks it has been delivered because it is being mistakenly updated as delivered when the order status is updated to "order in progress"?
  12. Hi G, Yes, I came across your post when I searched and saw that there was no response from anyone, so I posted a new topic. They seem to abandon supporting previous versions once they are onto newer ones but everyone is in a position to just keep upgrading. There does not seem to be any attempt by Prestashop themselves to continue fixing bugs in previous versions. Steve
  13. Can anyone please point me to a solution for adding a product to an existing order which has not yet shipped? On PS 1.5.2 On the Orders>>Order page, there is a button to "Add a Product" but when I try to add a product, a pop-up appears saying that "a product cannot be added to an order that has already shipped" - but it hasn't already shipped - it is still "being processed" It is really frustrating, as the only way I can do it at present is to cancel the existing order and get the customer to process a new one! Solution v.much appreciated.
  14. Hi JerseyG, Yes, what confused me initially was the terminology used by the developers (English is not their first language) but once I figured it out, it was relatively straight-forward. I just called it "Sales Tax" but otherwise I think it's the same solution as yours. Steve.
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