Funnily enough, I tried the v1.5.4.1 when I was migrating to Prestashop from osCommerce but reverted to v1.5.2 due to some other issues. Now that the site is live and working (apart from several annoying, rather than critical, bugs) I'm not about to try and upgrade on a live site.
When I have some free months available, I might try a fresh install of a later version and import the data from the live site. If I get that far and it all works correctly, then I'll do a swap over.
Apart from the GST, VAT & Zero Tax issue, I also have the problem of some manufacturers having excluded territories that we cannot send their products to. I custom coded that on our old osCommerce site (so that they cannot physically complete checkout) but have not yet managed to figure it out entirely satisfactorily within Prestashop. I have an error message that appears over the relevant item in the cart (opc) but cannot figure out where to insert the code to hide the payment options when that occurs - so we still get the odd customer completing an order which we then have to cancel and refund (which is a bit of a pain!).