Hey i'm new to Prestashop and was looking for some guidance/suggestions on how to best achieve the following functionaility for a site when placing an order or if some modules already existed that can achive this with a bit of tinkering.
I'm running Prestashop 1.5.x and what to achive the following user story.
During the order process the client has the option of ordering products through a "reseller" of the "PrestashopStore".
-The order is placed by the client at the prices of the "PrestashopStore".
-The client has the option to select and make his purchase through a reseller during the checkout phase meaning the reseller will handle the order and not the "PrestashopStore"
-In this case the client will not be required to pay online yet the checkout will proceed and the client will receive two emails
---- First email saying the order has been registered and taken into account by the "PrestashopStore"
---- Second email tied to the order invoice of the reseller (with a pre-formatted email with all the resellers coordinates/info)
-This second email is also sent to the "reseller" so that they can treat the order manually based on the information in the email
-In order to place an order using a "reseller" option the client must nevertheless have an account created on the "PrestashopStore"
In terms of back-end admin functionality, there will therefore obviously need to be a status distinction between orders placed and paid for directly through the "PrestashopStore" and those where the "reseller" option is selected and the payment does not take place through the website directly but where the order info is simply "forwarded" via email to the "reseller".
Also worth noting is there is no need for stock management involving resellers so stock should not be worried about.
So do any Presta devs have any advice/recommendations on how one should go about achieving this? Maybe someone has done something similar in the past or there are modules out there that already achieve this sort of thing?
eg. combining http://addons.presta...ent-module.html with something like this for the emailing functionlity http://addons.presta...opshipping.html or this http://addons.presta...der-emails.html ???
Or can the base default Prestashop 1.5.x functionality cater to this sort of scenario by specifying multiple suppliers, transport carriers, order statuses, payment types, invoice slips etc.? Can resellers even be compared to suppliers in terms of how they're setup in prestashop?
Any suggestions are much appreciated...