We added some new combinations for items on two of our stores and now we cannot add any items to our cart.
Here are our two stores url:
1) http://47diamonddistrict.com/prestashop/
2) http://47diamonddistrict.com/prestashop/naf
In the first store, if we go the the category Engagement Ring (http://47diamonddistrict.com/prestashop/index.php?id_category=32&controller=category) and click on "Add to Cart", it brings us back to the homepage. However, if you click on a specific item (http://47diamonddistrict.com/prestashop/index.php?id_product=47012&controller=product#/color-d/clarity-vs2/carat-050/cut-very_good/metal-14k_white_gold) and click "Add to cart", the item is being added to the shopping cart properly.
In the second store, no matter where you are in the store, if you click on the "Add to cart" icon, you see the item being added to the cart but it does not keep it in memory. Every time you refresh a page the cart its goes back to being empty.
Any idea how we can fix that?