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Everything posted by barkamlesh@gmail.com

  1. Hi Mohsart thanks For Reply I don't think With Groups i can Set Price with VAT And Without VAT(It Just Says Price display method: TAX included and Tax Excluded.). Second Option Groups Provide is Discount (%): so hear i can set Discount % same as VAT % so eventually it will nullify my VAT. But My client want Simple Interface Where he can Set Customer Weather to Apply Tax or Not with simple check-box Any Idea ???
  2. Hello Alll I want to create admin Module. This module will assign different Price to Different Customer. (i know in prestashop 1.5 this feature available). I want bit different than it currently in Back Office. My client want simple Interface to Select Category Than Product than list of all customer and can set price there. So In Simple word First 1. Category Drop Down 2. Product Drop Down Based on Category Selected Above 3. Customer List With with default Price for Product (Listing Including Text box for Price ) Any Help?
  3. Hello Guys is it possible to have selected customer with price excl customer? i am creating admin module where i want to set whether to set tax for this customer or not. i have all customer from same country so i can not create tax rule for different customer. any help?
  4. Hello Guys Any help how to create simple bak -office module with auto add tab ('customer price') under main tab 'Customer'. i want to assign different price to different customer from directly using this module. no to individual product(default presta behaviour).
  5. Hello Guys Can anybody Help me how to create admin Module. I want to create sub Tab ('Customer Price') under main Tab "Customer". it need's to add Sub tab Automatically. Any help??
  6. Hi Jassy I have same problem as you have. i want shipping charge applicable based on weight but only upto 15 EURO after !5 EURO shipping is free and all other country i am charging based on weight Range. to solve this i add following line in classes/Cart.php inside function getPackageShippingCost replace line if (isset($configuration['PS_SHIPPING_FREE_PRICE'])) with below lline if (isset($configuration['PS_SHIPPING_FREE_PRICE']) && $default_country->iso_code== 'NL') i want to do this only for Netherlands(NL) so i used ISO code NL you can use based on your requirment Thanks kamlesh
  7. Hi Doekia is it possible to give free shipping to total amount if price is greater than 15 EURO and for rest according to weight Range. for all other country i want shipping based on weight ranges i have defined. I have created two different carrier for two Zone (Zone 1- Netherlands, Zone 2 - World -ALL other Country ). i Have set weight range in both the cases. now i want to apply price range only to zone Netherlands where after 15 EURO free shipping start. Any Idea????
  8. Hi Tomerg3 thanks for reply. http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/142387-free-delivery-to-one-country/ is it possible with this?
  9. Hi Dave I want to give Free shipping to customer( Netherlands only- Rest Shpping according to my carrier price range i have set ) only price is greater than 15$ but for rest i want to charge according to weight range is it possible to have one carrier for both combination price and weight? or two different carrier that serves my problem. Thanks Kamlesh
  10. I want to set Free shipping starts at to 14.99 but i want this applicable to only one country Netherlands can anybody please tell me how do this? i want Free shipping Start at 15.00 Euro and only for country Netherlands for all other country i want shipping charge applicable based on product weight and carrier. Thanks kamlesh
  11. try this add following line in your product-list.tpl file after this line {foreach from=$products item=product name=products} add this {if ($product.allow_oosp || $product.quantity > 0)} // around line 31 and finish around line no 72 before this {/foreach} add this {/if}
  12. Hi Randy Please enable Currency restrictions, Group restrictions,Country restrictions and also please check Modules available to Payment Hook or not? if you still get same problem let me know. Thanks kamlesh
  13. Anything About Presta 1.5 ?? thanks Kamlesh
  14. Hello Guys i Have Problem with return Product. i am getting this error. Please check at least one product you would like to return. You have no return merchandise authorizations. Even If i have checked product to return and i have also enable Merchandise Return From Admin Section . I am using version Thanks kamlesh
  15. You will find Details Related to RMAs here http://www.daveegerton.com/prestashop-guides/Prestashop-Administrators-Guide/Orders/Merchandise-return-RMAs.html
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