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  1. Wuisma found a solution It's not a cookie problem Hi, first of all sorry for my english, i think that, in some cases, is a problem whith the cookies and the domain configuration (in SEO & URLs). If you observe the cookies using the developer tools of chorme, for example, you can see cookies with two diferents domains with www and without www, so i tray to erase the www. in the domains in SEO & URLs. Now i have only one domian for the cookies and it seem to work without problems.
  2. Wuisma found the solution. It's not a cookie problem. Hi, first of all sorry for my english, i think that, in some cases, is a problem whith the cookies and the domain configuration (in SEO & URLs). If you observe the cookies using the developer tools of chorme, for example, you can see cookies with two diferents domains with www and without www, so i tray to erase the www. in the domains in SEO & URLs. Now i have only one domian for the cookies and it seem to work without problems.
  3. Hello, I have the same issue. I just installed the last version of PrestaShop, and I can't login as a customer on Firefox15 or IE8. I tested on a other computer with IE7 and Firefox 14 and I can't login. But on my iPhone or iPad that works fine.
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