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Everything posted by b.designer

  1. Nemo, tks for helping. I added the code to the css file, and changed the following: {if $product.quantity > 0}{else}<img src="{$img_dir}esgotado.png" class="overlay" />{/if} It seems to have solved the issue. Me is happy!
  2. hey. i realized that whats causing this issue is the code inserted to apply the overlaid image "out of stock" (esgotado in portuguese). this is the code: {if $product.quantity > 0}{else}<img src="{$img_dir}esgotado.png" id="overlay" style="margin-top:-150px;" />{/if} so nemo, is the solution still the same? tks.
  3. Man, you are everywhere! So, I easily added the code to product_list.css. I am wondering now if the class thing should be put on the product-list.tpl?
  4. Hi. In the categories pages there are images that don't show. I am not a programmer so I am not sure where I need to go in order to fix this issue. Somebody said to me it is something to do with badly overlay applied, and that it needs to be absolutely positioned, like top:0, left:0; position:absolute. The problem is: Where would I have to go to edit this? http://www.tissu.com...roller=category (see the 5th, 8th, 15th and 16th images are missing)
  5. Hello, can anyone help me to have it done for "out of stock" products??? The image appears on product image whenever the product goes out of stock!! Tks if anyone can help...
  6. I just want the same. Does anyone know how to do it? Though i am on 1.5... tks.
  7. Hi. I am trying to do this (see attachment). I thought that maybe there was some kind of module that would activate that. Do you guys know? It there is none, then, where exactly would I insert this code: {if $product->available_for_order == 0} {l s='Out of stock'} {/if} Tks.
  8. Hey! Thank you very much for helping me! You guys rock! What happened was that I do have all these types of images, thou i had not ticked "products" in the home_default type. Now all is fine! Tks again! What an idiot I am... :-)
  9. i tried removing _default, still nothing happens. i didn't try installing locally tho. hey, have a look, please, at what i found out. when i try to regenerate there are some files that do not regenerate. please, see attach... the ones that were regenerated have the same time, except for one. what could that be? tks.
  10. just done that! nothing changed, the images were not even created inside the folders... i can not understand this thing happening, cos all the images were just working fineeeee... oh gosh...
  11. Hey, you are right, the images arent there, but why arent the images there? I did regenerated and nothing happens... As for the permision, all the folders inside img have the same permission... 755 Dont know what to do... any idea? Tks...
  12. man, i can not get the images to be shown on home (featured) and category... i have _default and have regenerate, still, i see no images... www.tissu.com.br/lojaonline please, heeeeeelp... tks.
  13. oh sorry. its all up now! thanks... will be looking forward to an answer...
  14. hi! can anyone help me, i dont see my category pictures... www.tissu.com.br/lojaonline tkx.
  15. Hello. I downloaded the file but when I try to install it does nothing... just some error. I use presta 1.5. The error is: Anyone can help me? Tks.
  16. Hello! I need help because my site doesn't look good on Internet Explorer. It looks fine when I open on Chrome. I use Presta 1.5 and have made some customization. www.tissu.com.br/lojaonline but it is under maintenance, so please give me you IP to help me! I have attached 2 images. Thanks.
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