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  1. Hi Ok i've find a way … replace $smarty.post.id_contact by $smarty.request.id_contact in the contact-form.tpl of your current theme … Then Tada: go to : http://yourdomain.tld/contactez-nous?id_contact=5 you can set a prefilled message too with "message" var.
  2. I find a solution, this is my override : class WebserviceRequest extends WebserviceRequestCore { public function getFilteredObjectList() { $objects = array(); $filters = $this->manageFilters(); if (!isset($this->urlFragments['schema'])) { $this->resourceConfiguration['retrieveData']['params'][] = $filters['sql_join']; $this->resourceConfiguration['retrieveData']['params'][] = $filters['sql_filter']; $this->resourceConfiguration['retrieveData']['params'][] = $filters['sql_sort']; $this->resourceConfiguration['retrieveData']['params'][] = $filters['sql_limit']; //list entities $tmp = new $this->resourceConfiguration['retrieveData']['className'](); $sqlObjects = call_user_func_array(array($tmp, $this->resourceConfiguration['retrieveData']['retrieveMethod']), $this->resourceConfiguration['retrieveData']['params']); if ($sqlObjects) { foreach ($sqlObjects as $sqlObject) $objects[] = new $this->resourceConfiguration['retrieveData']['className']((int)$sqlObject[$this->resourceConfiguration['fields']['id']['sqlId']]); return $objects; } } } }
  3. Thanks iDEAL Checkout you solve my issue too. Do you have submit a bug in the forge ?
  4. Any news about your problem ? are we alone wit it ?
  5. Hi i have exactly same error with Paypal or SystemPay only on external payment. I never use stock management or Multishipping. However i enable/disable check invoice management and i get an invoice in this 3 payment even if option is disabled.
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