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  1. I had similar problems - turned out it only occurred when I had an item in the cart which made it harder to pin down. turned out to be problems with the customer loyalty module (I'm using Prestashop version 1.5.1) FYI, I edited this around line 89 in modules/loyalty/LoyaltyModule.php //$context = Context::getContext(); $context = Context::getContext()->cloneContext(); This in particular was used in the ShoppingCartFooter hook
  2. Just wanted to extend some thanks - this saved me untold hours of trying to reverse engineer the workings of the breadcrumb/category hierarchy system. I love the potential of Prestashop but the documentation is so woefully lacking that it's almost hard to recommend to other developers Too late for me now that I'm already 6 weeks into a 3 week project... Just some background to my problem for anyone else that may have encountered the same thing. My products had all been uploaded through the Store Manager system's CSV import. This process will correctly place products in nested categories, but won't automatically associate those items with the relevant parent categories. The end result means the breadcrumbs would not display the complete path on a product page (at least it had this effect in my case). Your override to the ProductController worked a charm. Thanks again!!
  3. Hi, I need to have two top menus in my site (one for the home page, one for the others). I have the home page menu sorted using the top menu module but I need a duplicate/adapted module made that will allow me to display a menu that has suppliers as the top level and then the categories of product those suppliers supply as the second level. This should be a pretty easy adaptation for someone familiar with prestashop and making mySQL queries. Please let me know how much and how long you would need to build this. In addition I will throw in endless gratitude!
  4. HI, I'm looking to replicate the standard top menu functionality but instead of displaying product categories as the top level I need to display the suppliers, with the second drop down level being the categories each supplier has supplied products for. There will probably be crossover of categories between suppliers too meaning that the same category may appear under both. Is this possible?? One thing to point out is that I could construct the menu manually but I'm really looking for a way that prestashop can do it manually.
  5. Is anyone able to at least confirm that the method describes in the doc is/isn't the 1.5 way?
  6. Hi, I'm very new to Prestashop (as of today) and I've been following the tutorials for version 1.5. In this section: http://doc.prestashop.com/display/PS15/Creating+a+PrestaShop+module#CreatingaPrestaShopmodule-Creatingthemodule%27sbackofficetab%2Canditsclass it explains how to create a module's back office tab, but refers to folders that aren't present in my Prestashop install. I have two questions really, the first is just a yes/no. And that is: is this documentation correct for Prestashop 1.5 (or is it referring to an outdated approach)? Secondly if so, is there any information available that explains how to go about this? Looking forward to someone shedding a bit of light as I'm starting to get a little bamboozled.
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