Hi guys,
I having some weird kind of issue with my Prestashop inventory stock quantity update.
It goes like this- count of available products in back office category list is different form when actually entering product card or on front office of store - please see images.
For example if one looks in categorie list store shows that its 5 bags available but when entering same product quantity shows 85 and same 85 is on front office. This is product with no combinations.
If I wanna change item count to lets say 3 following things would accrue - in category list count would show 3 but product card and front office would say that quantity is 83. For whatever reason prestashop thinks it 80 more in particular example.
Now I am not able to edit my inventory any more because Presta would make its own quantities.
What could be problem?
link to store if it helps - boniz.eu
I been browsing forums for a day now - havent found anything similar to my issue.
please help