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  1. Hello, I am developing the Windows Desktop application (.NET) which uses PrestaShop API for adding new products (for example). When I add only few products, the adding is relatively fast, but when I add more products to the shop, for example 1000 - 5000 products, the adding goes always slower and slower. For exaple: - adding 100 product to the empty shop (without pictures) takes about 40 seconds - adding 1000 products takes about 12 minutes - adding 2000 products takes about 36 minutes I don't know, if this is normal, or some bug, or is it possible to solve it by changing some parameters on server, or PrestaShop settings. I would like to have fast PrestaShop API with about 5000 products in shop. I tried to do tests on more webhostings and VPS, but everywhere is this problem similar. Thanks.
  2. Hello, I would like to read iso_code (EUR) of default currency of the shop v, but I don't know, if this value is written in database, or somewhere in scripts. I found the tables currency and currency_shop, but I didn't find the information about default currency. Thanks.
  3. Thank you very much. Your informations are exactly what I was looking for. Thanks.
  4. Hi, I would like to understand, how important is secure_key for PrestaShop. For example: Can I change it without worrying? I am copying database table "customer" to the new empty shop, and I am not sure, if secure_key is an random value, and I can use the old ones. (I know, that I need to modify the file settings.inc.php, when I want to use old passwords.) Thanks.
  5. Zdravím, čítal som rôzne návody, ale väčšinou sú neúplné, alebo pre staršie verzie. Ak tomu rozumiem správne, údaj IČO by sa mal dostať do poľa "dni" v tabuľke "address". Chcel by som mať údaj IČO ako povinný pri registrácii nového zákazníka. Vedeli by ste mi poradiť, čo presne treba vo verzii urobiť? Vďaka.
  6. I just installed v1.4.9.0 (with demo products, new installation) and everything works fine. I don't know, why I have problems with v1.4.11.0.
  7. Yes, of course, the database was empty, and there were no files on ftp. I go to try v1.4.9.0, and I will inform you about the result.
  8. I would like to inform you, that with installation of version I have no problems (the same domain)
  9. I deleted the install folder and renamed the admin folder. The htaccess file was not present. I am on subdomain. Now after trying front office and back office I get error: Error: 'install' directory is missing
  10. Hello, I installed PrestaShop v - latest 1.4 (with demo products, new installation, no upgrade). The installation process was without problems. The problem is, that I can't start to use PrestaShop, because after opening homepage I am redirected again to install folder. There is also problem with BackOffice, because when I open mydomain/admin I am redirected to page mydomain/admin/install which doesn't exist. I tried it more times. Is there some problem with this version or is it my mistake? Thanks.
  11. The problem appears not always, and we noticed it in few past days. Two of our customers reported the problem with cart. In this moment we are not able to simulate the problem, thats why is for us not easy to find solution. We are looking for fast solution, which will help us to continue without problems, and we thought, that deletion of old carts will solve it.
  12. I was afraid, that this could be a more serious problem, and you confirmed me it. Thank you again, we have to think about next steps.
  13. Thank you for the trick. My colleague told me, that when he deletes orders (via Store Manager), the carts are not deleted. Thats why I would like to know, how I can make the shop empty, and start from beginning (without to delete customers and other settings). May be the fastest way is to delete data from data tables, but in this case we have to exactly know, which tables we can truncate. We will lose the history of orders, but this is not a big problem in our situation. We would like to have our shop working again without any problems with current orders. Thanks.
  14. Hello, to El Patron: thank you for tip, it is interesting module. to Kane_Kowalski: I also think, there is some error. May be somebody from our team deleted orders in wrong way, but we used only standard ways for deletion (either Admin in backoffice, or Store Manager for PrestaShop). Can I realy without any hesitation truncate these tables? - ps_cart - ps_cart_discount (this table is already empty) - ps_cart_product - ps_orders - ps_order_detail - ps_order_discount (this table is already empty) - ps_order_history I mean, if truncation will not affect some other data or functions in PrestaShop. Or should I truncate some other tables? Thanks.
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