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Everything posted by sgtbash

  1. Hey, I'll have a look at the new 1.6 way of doing things (not been using Prestashop for a few years now as have moved jobs) but it shouldn't be too much different or hard to achieve. Worked quite well once done, and didn't confuse customers either which was always a bonus.
  2. I'm having exactly the same issue on a brand new install... tried chmod'ing the files and folders, img/tmp doesn't even exist in my install so not sure why it is trying to look for it. I've also tried reverting to legacy image system (which then just shows nothing, not even a broken image) and then back to new system and that doesn't fix it. I've regenerated the image files time and time again - with no luck either. I'm on Ps at the moment until I can confirm the theme that is required is 1.5.6 compatible.
  3. OK quick update: (Not fixed though I'm afraid) I checked consistency in two files that I could see that were involved (I think) in the 'New Order' feature. Controllers > AdminOrdersController.php [Admin] > Themes > Default > Template > Controllers > Orders > form.tpl And both my version on the updated PS and the version from the newly downloaded from PS website are identical - no problem there. I had a quick look in the files to see if I could fathom what was searching and what was failing with no avail. Checked my databases on both servers in the ps_product and checked them for consistancies also and there is a difference: In my old, updated database (where the feature does not work) the database runs down through the fields until field 5. then the Newly downloaded and installed version has "id_tax_rules_group" and the non working server has "on_sale" and the tax rules related one is right at the bottom as field 46. Could an database field ordering problem cause this? I would have thought it would be querying the DB based on field name and not field reference/numerical position - but I dont know. If anyone can shed some light on this, that would be great! Thanks Dan
  4. Ok so I have just done a little testing and installed a fresh install - and this feature works perfectly.... So I'm wondering what has not been updated properly since my upgrade that stops this feature from working =( Anyone know which files this feature uses?
  5. Hey Guys, I'm having this problem too... It brings the product up but then with a zero next to it... in the following page it shows the price being in place of the, so maybe there is some functionality issues.. =( http://www.inmotionh...rs/create-order
  6. Fixed for me by placing max_input_vars = 6000 in a new file "php.ini" inside my 'admin' folder. =) The .htaccess version of this did not work for me. Must be differences in server set ups as my host allows override php.ini files to be made. =)
  7. Hmm, found a solution - how useful it is I am not sure as it involves a core mod. In StoresController.php, Approx Line 122 place: if (!empty($store['phone'])){ $smarty->assign('stores_telephone', $store['phone']); } if (!empty($store['email'])){ $smarty->assign('stores_email', $store['email']); } Then in stores_info.tpl, wherever you want to place the info: <span id="store_phone">{l s='Phone:'}</span> {$stores_telephone}<br /> <span id="store_email">{l s='Email:'}</span> <a href='mailto:{$stores_email}?Subject=Put Subject Here'>{$stores_email}</a><br /> If you've got a better solution for this, without using a core mod - please let me know =) Thanks Dan
  8. Hey, I'm looking to do exactly the same although in the little pop up inside the map when you click on a store. I've found how to add text into that box (store_info.tpl) although do not know the variable to get the phone number, email or notes to come up? I'm on PS 1.4.9 Thanks Dan
  9. I've got this issue too after upgrading to 1.4.9 - the PayPal module I had was 3.0.9 so I upgraded to the most recent on on addons.prestashop.com which brought me up to 3.2.1 and now I had to install some 'Backward Compatability' module which allowed paypal to work - but now my theme is wrecked. It is some how stalling / conflicting with my javascripts that I use on the template. Really annoying =(
  10. Hey all, I've just updated to the new 1.4.8 and for some reason - probably I've missed something but... I cannot seem to see the 'Retail price with tax' option below the price that you can enter the price including tax into, and the 'pre-tax' price will automatically update itself from. This is really annoying as I can't work out prices excluding the tax off the top of my head. Any help would be great! Thanks Dan
  11. Ok - I feel dumb... not familiar with the new layout of the forums... Where do I do that from now?
  12. SOLVED!!! Thank you so much! Simple answer to a simple problem =) Don't know why I didn't think of a JS script earlier... Mind must have gone blank! Thanks!!!! (How do I amend the topic subject on here to [sOLVED]?)
  13. Hey all, I am trying to work out how to change the default image size of the 'Storefront' image when using the 'non-simplified' stores browser (the one with the map and search box). The little image that shows under the shop details: See image: By default the stores use the 'medium' thumbnail properties which I do not want. I've created a new property called 'stores' unallocated the Stores type from 'medium' and re-alloacted it to the new 'stores' property. Regenerated my thumbnails and it has created the successfully (I can see them in the 'st' directory on the server) Now.. If I go to 'stores.tpl' in my themes directory, I can see an {if $simplified....] block at line 34, the {else} for it sits at line 51 so I would presume that everything under line 51 contains the code to create these little boxes. I cannot find where the image is referenced though! Line 39 (inside the simplified section) does contain a reference to an image and if I change this from 'medium' to 'stores' it will display the correct image WHEN the simplified version is selected in the BO. See comparison images below: This shows that the image thumbnail settings are working, and that the .tpl file modifications are working. But i CANNOT find where the image is referenced for use when using the non-simplified stores (map). Any help would be great. Thanks Dan
  14. Hey everyone, I'm having a bit of difficulty with something and wanted to ask some people smarter than me where I should start debugging... [Problem] The problem I am experiencing is that when you are logged into AUS and go to the admin side of USA - it asks you to log in, this logs you out of the AUS site... and visa versa... Adding a product to the cart of either one, will clear the cart in the other. [Outline] I'm running 5 sites on different sub-domains of the same server (they reside within their own directory on the root of the main server with subdomains set up to point to those directories) Previous to the upgrade all 5 sites were working perfectly. The site in question (Called AUS) was on a install, and I followed the upgrade instructions on the PS site to bring it to the current version The upgrade (from PS Install folder) went successfully and the site worked fine (all be it with a missing theme that was easily rectifiable by changing it back to 'prestashop' - the site worked fine after this. I installed a theme with the theme installer and copied some edited files from the USA site (on to make the sites look the same. (I thought this might have caused it, but the only files that were copied were files residing below the 'themes' directory, and files residing below the 'modules' directory. (None of these I think handle cookies and caches do they?) My head thinks it is a cookie problem so I have already (using Safari on Mac) cleared my cache, and properly reset safari with all the options (this deletes EVERY saved thing, usernames, passwords, history, cookies, cache... the lot!) Still no luck. It is as if somehow the sites are using some cookie or cache data which obviously doesn't work with each site and clears it. Where do I start trying to figure out what is going on? I thought maybe it was something to do with the "_COOKIE_KEY_" and "_COOKIE_IV_" settings in the config setting and maybe I had accidentally copied them over incorrectly and they were the same - thus looking at the same data on my computer but they are different... (Not that I know what either of these properties do) Any help would be greatly appreciated as I'm stuck... Dan
  15. Our shop is about to do a stock switch (removing old seasons stock and replacing it with new stocks) and in the meantime, I do not want to take off the product category completely but show a custom page that informs people what is happening. Is it possible to show a CMS page inside a category? Thanks Dan
  16. Anyone else having trouble installing the A1 of 1.5? I cant get past step 4 'Shop Configuration'. I'm not a newbie and do installs all the time for different testing purposes, just the next button does not seem to actually go any further in the installation process =( Really want to look at the multi shop options!
  17. Thanks Rocky. I knew you'd probably be the first to reply! Where can I find a list of variables that work in the core files - I looked in init.php but couldn't seem to read the right bit and find anything. Dan
  18. Hi all, I am trying to get the Order ID to get sent within an email that is produced on approximatly line 94 of AdminReturn.php. I'm working on PS and am familiar with the "'{id_order_return}' => $id_order_return," method of adding variables into the array to pass to the email file. I am struggling to find the correct variable for the Order ID although it is obviously used within this page to list the return numbers and thier associated Order Numbers. Any help would be greatly appreciated. At the moment I've got: '{RMA_ID}' => $obj->id_order.$id_order_return, But obviously it is not working... Thanks Dan
  19. Thats correct, I found that by not importing the data from those tables (structure has to be present so bear that in mind) the new orders had new data in, all that was missing was the old data. Dan
  20. Hi Mytheory, Not really no - all it seemed to do for me was literally remove the connections from under their address details (or above, not got it open right now). Not done much testing after that as I brought the data in one table at a time Dan
  21. Hey, thanks for the post and code to fix it - I lost my code due to the upgrade and not in the office to fix it yet =)
  22. Hi All. Don't know if there is anyone else out there that has the same annoyance with this as me but if you do, can you bump my bug please? Basically I use the 'Track the shipment' link a LOT every day to track the nights shipments which by default opens in the same window/tab/page and you have to use the back button to go back into your PS store. Much easier to sit there and click, look for 'Delivered' and use the keyboard short cut to close the page and PS is there ready waiting for you to change the status (no load time, just waiting there for you) If you agree - a much appreciated bug bump would be great. Bug Url: http://www.prestashop.com/bug_tracker/view/6006/ Thanks P.S I've edited the page myself (core edit) but it is obviously overwritten on every new update or release.
  23. Just another side note. I've just completed exporting and importing the final 3 table data (connections x 3) Was much simpler than I though and now the DB contains all the old connections. Also found out that exporting from phpmyadmin as csv with 'gzipped' compression really works well > 8MB to 1MB = Happy Days! (Kinda thinking I should have tried gzip first!) Dan
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