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Everything posted by Lachlan

  1. Thanks for the comments guys. I simply reinstalled prestashop on the new subdomain. There is probably a much simpler way to do it but I had to do it quickly
  2. This is very strange, I have played around changing the options for 'route to category' .etc and by simply removing the "-" between the brackets }-{ I made my category links work. I still, however, can't get specific links to work suc as 'my account' or 'our stores' There must be some kind of solution that solves all links (not just specific ones)? Any help is appreciated.
  3. Thanks shiggidydog! That worked! However, I am still having problems with some pages loading. I believe this is because there are more than 1 htaccess files in my prestashop folder and I haven't added the multiviews code to all of them. I am struggling to find where the others are. This wasn't previously a problem since you generated the htaccess file in the back office though with the new version (1.5), I don't believe you can edit the htaccess file in the back office? If not please let me know where all the htaccess files are located. Also, I noticed the comment 'Thank you. A new option will appears in the next version of Prestashop, to automaticaly add this line.' Please be aware, this line has not been automatically added to new versions since I had this problem with 1.5.2
  4. I am having a problem with 'friendly URL'. When I enable it my cart (amongst other, seemingly random pages such as 'our stores') page does not load - I get the 404 page-not-found error. please see my site at: shop.ringfraternity.com I also noticed the 'delivery', 'legal notice', 'terms and conditions of use', 'about us' and 'secure payment' pages (all under information on the home page) load as products; that is 'delivery' loads the product with ID of #1, 'legal notice' loads the product with ID#2.etc. All of these pages work however, if I turn friendly URL off. Of note is also, that next to the friendly URL check box I have: 'URL rewriting (mod_rewrite) is not active on your server or it is not possible to check your server configuration. If you want to use Friendly URLs you must activate this mod.' I am with Godaddy and called them to check if mod_rewrite was active on my server, they confirmed it is active and enabled by default. Can anyone please help? I feel there must be 1 thing causing all these problems with friendly URL, and once its solved it should all work.
  5. Hi all, Just thought this problem should be solved incase anyone else has this issue. I was trying to set my shop up on a subdomain (shop.mydomain.com) rather than what it was at the time (www.mydomain.com/shop). Unfortunately I tried changing 'Base URL' in the back office to try to accomplish this. As a result I could no longer access my shop. I tried using FTP to change the settings.inc file, though the 'base_url' section seems to have been removed in 1.5.1 (this seems to have worked for older versions). I then tried to find the base url in my database, but even though I'd read where to find it in the database, no luck. I am now reinstalling my shop since it fortunately wasn't live. If it was however, I would be clueless in what to do to fix it. Surely there is a simple 1 step solution since I only changed ONE setting. Please post the most succinct answer to solve this problem:)
  6. Hey redshop/anyone else having the same problem I was having. I just came up with a very elegant solution! Simply change the 'translation' of your language for text for 'Free Shipping' for both the front office and the cart module 'blockcart'. The problem here is the shipping initially assumes the customer is from whatever country your store is situated in. For me that is Australia. I offer free shipping within Australia. The problem for me was this was resulting in everyone seeing 'Free Shipping!' before logging in. Of course, I didn't want people from overseas to think they were getting free shipping, and then once signing in and getting to the checkout realising they had to cough up for shipping. My solution was to change the translation (in English of 'Free Shipping!' to 'Free shipping in Aus!'. That way it's really saying the same thing, but it is clear this only applies to Australia, and the real shipping price can be seen when customers sign in. I love how easy this solution is to apply (simply change the translation in the back office), and it solves the problem completely without fiddling around with code.etc Hope this helps!
  7. I am having the exact same problem as lettersets. I tried disabling and re-enabling AJAX but this didn't work (by that you mean just configuring the cart module by saving 'disabled' and then saving 'enabled'?) I have not edited the code of my java at all. I am running a fresh install of 1.5.1 and using internet explorer 9. The cart works fine in chrome, just having the problem in IE. My site is www.ringfraternity.com/shop Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  8. Thanks enli78! Worked perfectly!!! Thanks for the very clear explanation. I suppose this needs to be fixed in the next release?
  9. Hey Haylau, thanks for the response. I'm not having a go at the developers. My point is this is a flaw in prestashop; customers SHOULD NOT have to use logic to rectify this problem, there should be no misguidance in the first place. It's great the developers are working on new modules to track different stats, make things pretty and so on, but shipping, and its transparency to customers is an ESSENTIAL part of an online store. Therefore it should be of paramount importance to have this fixed, and should rank higher in priority than other fixes. I understand it is a free program; but I am also aware it is constantly growing and developing; this is one area I believe it can be improved. Thanks everyone for your help; I am now quite confident I have set things up properly; it is just the software itself results in the confusing problems. I will just have to try and manage with the imperfections and wait until an update hopefully fixes them.
  10. I noticed something interesting that may help us solve this problem. I live in Australia and have set the shop up with 2 carriers. One is for Australia only; free shipping. The other is for the rest of the world (everywhere BUT Australia), that calculates the shipping depending on the country. Even though I chose the international shipping as the default carrier, it seems to default to the Australian carrier (since the international carrier doesn't cater for Aus). Hence, it will say free shipping unless you log in and specify your country. So it seems the problem here lies in prestashop's programming; regardless of what the actual default carrier is, it will revert to the carrier that is for the country the shop has been established in. As shown by my example, this is a huge problem since it is assuming that all visitors are from Australia (ridiculous), and those from overseas will get a nasty surprise during checkout when the shipping changes from 'free shipping!' to whatever it actually is. I think prestashop could have a smart, simple solution to this by asking the customer to input their country in before even attempting to calculate the shipping; initially for the shipping price it could say 'please specify your country' instead of giving a price. The shipping estimation module is rubbish; I've used it on the last few versions at it hasn't once given anything other than 'free shipping'.
  11. I am very frustrated with this problem. I have to fiddle around and try to cater for these glitches so that it looks ok from the front office. This is ridiculous. When I set up the pricing for shipping and the item's weights.etc correctly in the back office I should be comfortable that this will be reflected correctly in the front office, though this is NOT THE CASE. What's most confusing is others must not have this problem (in 1.5.1), otherwise there would need to be an immediate fix. Is it possible to have a developer look at my back office to sort this out once and for all?
  12. I've upgraded to 1.5.1 and am still having this problem. I did a fresh install of 1.5.1 and have only 1 carrier, with differing shipping costs depending on the weight. Even though in the back office the only carrier has fees, it still says 'free shipping!' when a product is added to the cart. WHAT IS WRONG HERE? This is incredibly frustrating as shipping calculation is a fundamental thing that MUST be correct for an e-cart. I am very confused as to why I am still having this problem and have wasted a great deal of time trying to sort this out. I'm almost at the point of choosing a different e-commerce solution, though I would like to stay with prestashop since I see the potential.
  13. Thanks very much peranders. What I find most strange is why don't other people have this problem? Also, if I delete the other cart it should become the default right? I will try this again but from memory it didn't help. I just noticed that 1.5.1 is out so I'll update my version and REALLY HOPE that it solves all my problems:) I'll let you know. Thanks again guys, I really do appreciate your help!
  14. Hey ajensen27, thanks for the help, no I deleted all carriers and made my own unique ones, so still haven't solved the problem:( Thanks anyway! Looking forward to posting the solution when we figure it out!
  15. Thanks for all the responses guys! lucamax - no, they both have 'free shipping' disabled. Haylau, thanks for the comment, yes my weights have been set up correctly. The most confusing thing is that once going through the checkout the shipping is updated properly, it is only when initially adding products to the cart that I have this problem...
  16. Please see the table in the link below for my shipping layout. Can you see anything wrong with these values? Thanks so much, I truly appreciate your help! http://ringfraternity.com/Untitled.jpg
  17. Please see my site at: http://www.ringfraternity.com/shop/ You will then notice the issue I'm talking about regarding free shipping showing up until later on in the checkout. Is there an obvious solution/ reason for this problem? I really need to sort this out soon. Thanks very much for your help
  18. Also, what I've noticed is when checking out and (as a guest) putting in an address, after clicking 'next', it takes me back to the store homepage (not the next page of the checkout) and THEN the shipping is showing up correctly (not 'Free').
  19. All my settings are correct since when at the stage of checkout where the customer put's their address in it adds the shipping correctly. Despite this it still says 'Free Shipping!' in both the top right cart (on every page) and the full page cart. I am also having the same problem with the default shipping estimation module (it says the shipping is free to any country). I feel there may be a single source for both these errors? I am on a freshly installed 1.5 (not updated, complete fresh install). I would really appreciate it if someone new how to help make the shipping display properly in both these areas. Please help?
  20. Thanks for the response lucamax, I'll try that and see what happens. One other thing; why do I need to apply a fix by editing some random code? I downloaded and installed the 'stable' release of 1.5. Now I find myself having to work through annoying problems like this. Surely everyone must be experiencing this 'free shipping' problem with 1.5?
  21. I have the same problem. It is REALLY a big problem since you don't want customers to think they are getting free shipping, go through checkout and then right at the end realise they are going to be charged $20. Someone please give a solution to this. What's also interesting/annoying is my 'shipping estimation' module also says free shipping for everything, no matter what country I chose. I know my shipping is set up correctly since during the checkout process when putting in your address it correctly calculates the shipping fee. This is really annoying as my shop is currently unfit for customers in this state.
  22. Hi all, I hope this is the right area for this question. If this question has already been answered please direct me there (I looked around and couldn't see anything). I want to know what are some methods (perhaps there is 1 definite best) for editing your shop once it is online. For example I am sure after a month or 2 there might be some things I decide I want to change (layout or functionality). Obviously I wouldn't want to just try and change these online so that if anyone happens to be browsing the store at the time, things start changing and (likely) not functioning correctly since often you don't get it right on your first try. I therefore want to have an offline version of my store where I can freely make changes and then only upload these changes online when I'm happy with them. Is this something you would use 'local host' for? I don't know much about it, though I'm a bit confused since the shop obviously draws from a MYSQL database on my server; do you just copy the database file onto the localhost somehow as well? Thanks in advance!
  23. Hi all, I figured this out. I simply had 'block top cart v1.0' running in the top of pages hook as well (though it wasn't visible). Once I deleted it out of the hook, the image now floats into the shopping cart as it should. Thanks anyway!
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