Buenos días.
Necesito adaptar el módulo "Advanced Top Menu" a mi web que utiliza un tema responsive.
El desarrollador ha facilitado estas instrucciones para su adaptación.
Cualquier interesado en implementarlo que se ponga en contacto conmigo.
Un saludo.
Nevertheless, you can without any constraint, use the Advanced Styles tab of our module to add specific CSS rules, and adapt the look of your menu according to the various conditions which you will define.
For that purpose, it will be necessary to make use of CSS Media Queries (CSS3 - examples here: http://www.alsacreations.com/article/lire/930-css3-media-queries.html)
Here is a concrete example.
If you wish to mask submenus as well as one of the main elements of your menu for iPhones 4, it will be necessary to add the following CSS rule:
@media only screen and (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio : 1.5), only screen and (min-device-pixel-ratio : 1.5) {
#adtm_menu ul#menu li.advtm_menu_10 { display: none !important; }
#adtm_menu ul#menu div.adtm_sub { display: none !important; }
To summarize, your menu can be responsive with the implementation of this kind of CSS rules.