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Everything posted by bluego78
Ciao a tutti, io PRESTASHOP e modulo paypal 3.8.1, su hosting linux aruba. Stesso problema. Risolto ripristinando i permessi di default sulle cartelle, dal pannello di controllo di Aruba.
Prestashop 1.5 stats not working
bluego78 replied to adrian29's topic in Ecommerce x PrestaShop [ARCHIVE BOARD]
Any other solutions? I'm using 1.5.2 and statistic doesn't work.. only visits are available, the other are always ZERO :-( I've tried all the possible solution... but nothing happens... these are what i've done/check: 1) Conversion rate in ps_orders is set to 1 (it was just ok) 2) AdminStatsTabControllerCore extends AdminPreferencesController (but it just work before) 3) Statistic data module is just hooked to Footer Orders are 0 Product selled are 0 This is strange... because i receive from 10 to 30 orders per day... Please any other ideas? -
Rendere campo P. Iva obbligatoria se compilato campo Azienda
bluego78 replied to dettotranoi's topic in Forum generale
Ciao Zuccarini grazie, si mi ero accorto dell'errore ma non avevo più modificato il post, per fortuna l'hai fatto tu, grazie. Tra l'altro alla fine, con una nuova installazione di PS 1.5.2 sono riuscito a far funzionare l'override così la modifica l'ho apportata nel controller in override. Mi fa piacere che sia servito il mio aiuto. Bye! -
How to add {id_order} to preparation email.
bluego78 replied to bluego78's topic in Ecommerce x PrestaShop [ARCHIVE BOARD]
Thanks but this is not the answer an is not solved... Please, someone can help me? -
Hi everybody :-( i've got a serious problem... I'm migrating customers from an old e-commerce to a new prestashop e-commerce... To import customers i've done this: IMPORT ALL NECESSARY FIELDS FROM MY OLD CUSTOMER TABLE TO THE NEW ps_customer TABLE. I've converted the old (clear) password to: MD5(CONCAT('MY_COOKIE_KEY',my_old_pwd)) and i've insert the secure_key as MD5(rand()). All is OK, but when i try to login, it returns me to LOGIN PAGE every time!! THE STRANGE THING IS THAT prestashop recognize the correct password, because if i insert the correct password, it simply return me to the login page, but if i try to insert a wrong password it returns to login page with error "LOGIN INCORRECT"... Please help me i don't know what to do!
Fresh Install - Product Images not showing
bluego78 replied to Soapi's topic in Ecommerce x PrestaShop [ARCHIVE BOARD]
1.5.2 not solve the problem :-( I have the same problems! 1) if i create a new product, the image is show in the BO but not in FO 2) if i upload a CSV importing products it's the same thing... images appears in BO but not in FO What can i do?! THX -
I've implement the method to get only the "finals" category, because if the product is associated to (example): computer -> hardware -> monitor and office -> display -> lcd you'll get: computer computer -> hardware computer -> hardware ->monitor office office -> display office -> display -> lcd but if you need only monitor and lcd modify the script as this: $all_product_subs = Product::getProductCategoriesFull($this->product->id, $this->context->language->id); $all_product_subs_path = array(); if(isset($all_product_subs) && count($all_product_subs)>0) { foreach($all_product_subs as $subcat) { $sub_category = new Category($subcat['id_category'], $this->context->language->id); $sub_category_children = $sub_category->getSubCategories($this->context->language->id, $active = true); if(count($sub_category_children)<=0) if($subcat['id_category']!=$this->product->id_category_default)//this remove the default category from the list if(Tools::getPath($subcat['id_category'], '', true)!='') $all_product_subs_path[] = Tools::getPath($subcat['id_category'], '', true); } } so you'll get: computer -> hardware -> monitor office -> display -> lcd
Ok let me know. Maybe it's better if you put also $all_product_subs_path = array(); //<-- ADD THIS LINE $all_product_subs = Product::getProductCategoriesFull($this->product->id, $this->context->language->id); if(isset($all_product_subs) && count($all_product_subs)>0) { foreach($all_product_subs as $subcat) ... and put the template code in the product.tpl not in breadcrumb.tpl, it's better :-) Bye
Oh.. i've done! But i use 1.5.2 but i think you can adapt my script, it works :-) In ProductController.php modify the assignCategory() method like this: protected function assignCategory() { // Assign category to the template if ($this->category !== false && Validate::isLoadedObject($this->category)) { $all_product_subs = Product::getProductCategoriesFull($this->product->id, $this->context->language->id); if(isset($all_product_subs) && count($all_product_subs)>0) { foreach($all_product_subs as $subcat) $all_product_subs_path[] = Tools::getPath($subcat['id_category'], '', true); } $this->context->smarty->assign(array( 'path' => Tools::getPath($this->category->id, '', true), //THIS CONTAINS ALL PRODUCT SUBCATEGORIES PATH 'all_product_subs'=>$all_product_subs_path, 'category' => $this->category, 'subCategories' => $this->category->getSubCategories($this->context->language->id, true), 'id_category_current' => (int)$this->category->id, 'id_category_parent' => (int)$this->category->id_parent, 'return_category_name' => Tools::safeOutput($this->category->name) )); } else $this->context->smarty->assign('path', Tools::getPath((int)$this->product->id_category_default, $this->product->name)); $this->context->smarty->assign('categories', Category::getHomeCategories($this->context->language->id)); $this->context->smarty->assign(array('HOOK_PRODUCT_FOOTER' => Hook::exec('displayFooterProduct', array('product' => $this->product, 'category' => $this->category)))); } So you'll get all categories path in "all_product_subs", then in your breadcrumb.tpl add: {if isset($all_product_subs)} {foreach from=$all_product_subs item=prod_subcategory} <br /> <a href="{$base_dir}" title="{l s='return to'} {l s='Home'}">{l s='Home'}</a> <span class="navigation-pipe">{$navigationPipe|escape:html:'UTF-8'}</span> {if !$prod_subcategory|strpos:'span'}<span class="navigation_page">{$prod_subcategory}</span> {else} {$prod_subcategory} {/if} {/foreach} {/if} this works fine :-)
Rendere campo P. Iva obbligatoria se compilato campo Azienda
bluego78 replied to dettotranoi's topic in Forum generale
So che è un post vecchio, ma sempre utile magari dare una risposta in più. Anche io come tanti ho affrontato questo problema e la mia soluzione è stata: PASSAGGIO 1 Nel mio template authentication.tpl ho modificato la funzione javascript vat_number() function vat_number() { if ($('#company').val() != '') { $('#vat_number').show(); $('#vat_number p').attr('class','required text'); if($('#vat_number p sup').length==0) $('#vat_number p').append('<sup>*</sup>'); } else { $('#vat_number input').val(''); $('#vat_number').hide(); $('#vat_number p').attr('class','text'); $('#vat_number p sup').remove(); } } } PASSAGGIO 2 Nel mio controller AuthController.php nel metodo processSubmitAccount() a riga 447 nell'else ho inserito else // if registration type is in one step, we save the address { //************************************************************************************************************** // Rende obbligatorio inserimento della PARTITA IVA se è compilato il campo AZIENDA // VALIDO SOLO IN FASE DI REGISTRAZIONE "CON INDIRIZZO" //************************************************************************************************************** if(isset($_POST['company']) && $_POST['company']!='') { if((isset($_POST['vat_number']) && $_POST['vat_number']=='') || !isset($_POST['vat_number'])) $this->errors[] = Tools::displayError('Se inserisci l\'azienda, la Partita IVA è obbligatoria'); } .... Spero sia utile a qualcuno. Purtroppo modificare un controller così in modo crudo non è bello, ma purtroppo l'override sembra non funzionare per niente nella versione 1.5.2, ho postato a riguardo ma ancora non ho ricevuto risposta. Consiglio vivamente di segnarvi a parte qualsiasi modifica facciate alle classi e controller, altrimenti vi giocate la possibilità di fare gli aggiornamenti. ATTENZIONE: VERSIONE 1.5.2 di Prestashop -
Override does not work for Product.php Class (v 1.5.2)
bluego78 replied to bluego78's topic in Core developers
Yes i've tested also for controllers... Override doesn't work... It's a very big problem... I still hope to be wrong... Someone can tell me that i'm wrong please? -
Hi.. in my shop 1.5.2 it happens a strange thing... if i click on REORDER from my account order list, the order will do correctly but the total_paid_real field is WRONG! Exactly the field is populated with the real cost * 3. If i spent 100 i fount 300 in total_paid_real!! Help me to understand please!! THANKS
Hi. I've add a new order status and i've created a new e-mail template to send on this status changed. I've associate the template to the new order status, it appears in the combobox, but NEVER RECEIVE THE EMAIL! If i choose another template, the email was sent, but if i choose my template the email does never arrive. Why?!
Hi, i'm trying to do a simple override to Product Class but this doesn't work. In override/classes/Product.php i have class Product extends ProductCore { public function my_function() { return 'hello world'; } } If i try to call from a module Product::my_function(); the page return error on the browser. I've tried also public static function but it's the same thing.... and i've tried also to do: $p = new Product(); $p->my_function(); Nothing to do... Where is my mistake? Please help me!
Prezzo ivato solo dopo il login e iva non calcolata nel BO
bluego78 replied to cla1982's topic in Report sui Bug
Ok ce l'ho fatta! Dopo 2 ore maledetto... Cmq nel mio caso il problema era che avevo assegnato al customer group con ID=1 una scontistica del 2%...!! Quindi da non loggato vedevo i prezzi scontati... ero costretto per via di un import da altro database a mantenere determinati ID così alla fine, dato che il mio gruppo di default, con scontistica pari a zero aveva ID=6 ho cambiato il valore di: define('_PS_DEFAULT_CUSTOMER_GROUP_', 6); nel file define.inc.php E tutto funge a meraviglia. Ps Ho cambiato anche il valore di default del campo id_default_group nella tabella customers del DB da 1 a 6. Spero sia utile a qualcuno! Bye -
Ok ce l'ho fatta! Dopo 2 ore maledetto... Cmq nel mio caso il problema era che avevo assegnato al customer group con ID=1 una scontistica del 2%...!! Quindi da non loggato vedevo i prezzi scontati... ero costretto per via di un import da altro database a mantenere determinati ID così alla fine, dato che il mio gruppo di default, con scontistica pari a zero aveva ID=6 ho cambiato il valore di: define('_PS_DEFAULT_CUSTOMER_GROUP_', 6); nel file define.inc.php E tutto funge a meraviglia. Ps Ho cambiato anche il valore di default del campo id_default_group nella tabella customers del DB da 1 a 6. Spero sia utile a qualcuno! Bye