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Everything posted by Jimmy77

  1. Prestashop v1.4.7.3 Default theme. Default installation Plus Worldpay module and Attribute Order v1.4.5 by Presto-Changeo Can anyone help fix a problem with the product details displayed in ‘Orders’. The problem is that only the first attribute of a product is displayed within product details/description. This means that when you come to sending the products to the customer you don’t know what they have ordered because important information is missing. A fix is required for the product description in the summary page of the check out process (front end) and the product description in ‘Orders’ in Prestashop (Backend). The screenshot attached illustrates the problem. Any help much appreciated.
  2. On the order details from a transaction the 'colour' attribute of an item is not recorded / missing. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to resolve this so that the choice of colour appears within the product description in the order. See attached...
  3. Thanks for this. I appreciate that if someone knows their stuff they can get the images. But my client wants some protection in the form of a watermark and some code. I'll try the code you suggest and I'll let you know how I get on...
  4. Does anyone have a piece of code or module to install that will protect images from being copied? Basically I would like to prevent people from right clicking and copying product images or from dragging them to desktop to copy. I'm trying to install the watermark module but would like some code as an extra protection.
  5. Thanks hxd. All sorted now. Excellent instructions. Jimmy
  6. How do you edit the logos displayed in the payment logo block? I have Mastercard, visa and paypal as default but I'd like to remove paypal and add others.
  7. Thanks for this info. My colour combinations are working now.
  8. I played around with my attributes, removing them and adding them back in again, renaming the colour puplic dropdown, and it's now working as I would have expected. I would like to know what was causing it not to work. It's unclear. Could have been user/my error... Having checked out the module I can see it would make managing attributes easier.
  9. I misunderstood the advice from Tomerg3. I thought for each colour I had to add a size. So Pink 0/3 months, blue 0/3 months, lilac 0/3 months. Prestashop doesn’t allow this, returning an error ‘This combination already exists.’ Next step is to check out the 'Mass Combination editor' module.
  10. Thanks Tomerg3. In my example I have 3 colours available in 13 sizes. From what you have said I should have 3 * 13 = 39 combinations. At the moment I only have 16 combinations, 3 colours and 13 sizes. It's going to be a time consuming job adding all the extra combinations. If I understand you correctly you're saying the the 'Mass Combination editor' module will save time when adding these combinations. I'll have a look at the demo and see if it does what i want it to.
  11. OK. I think the problem is in having colour and size attribute groups. When I remove the size attributes the colour picker works as I would expect. Does anyone have a suggestion as to how I can get the colour picker working as well as having size attributes on a product?
  12. Can anyone help clarify the functionality of the colour picker and if it links to the images displayed? I would like the colour picker to link to the correct colour image. So, if you have 3 shirts, pink, blue, and lilac, I would expect that when you click on the pink colour tile on the colour picker that the image would change to the display the pink shirt. I have ticked the correct image within each colour attribute but with no success when you test it out on the live site. This functionality seems to work on the demo but I can't get it working. I'm using v, and the default theme.
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