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Everything posted by youknowit

  1. ok thx mike i will email them with my problem For people who wants to buy a template always make a backup templatemonster gives no service after they got your money
  2. i only have a backup from the database of the old website this was cubecart v4 i did let it convert to prestashop 2 weeks ago. Is there a way to take that database and convert it to my prestashop database? (the old site is not online )
  3. yes they deleted that to and i have backup because i tought they where just installing the template
  4. Hello I have made a order with Template monster for a new template for my webshop. with installation service extra. Now my template is installed. But they removed all my data , orders, products , pictures, custumers everything And i had almost 1000 products and 900 custumers So i made my complain with them they say its not our problem and that it was in the condision And they blocked me on the website chat. I am angry i worked a year on this and now its all gone Does anyone know what i can do now to get it back?
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