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  1. I have moved 3 stores from old server to a new server. After moving the websites stopped working (I updated the database). I need someone to do the following: 1) fix the stores (3 in total) - make them live 2) Upgrade them to newer versions. One of them is pretty old (the current one is 1.4). First if you could give me a quote for no.1 - fix the stores. Once they are live we can talk about the costs related to the upgrade.
  2. I am looking for someone who can upgrade my shop - version 1.6 to the newest one. My website is https://www.eliquidmate.com Please let me know your price and how long it will take you to upgrade it.
  3. I need someone who can upgrade 2 shops to the latest version 1.7. I have the following versions: - first shop - version 1.5 - second shop version 1.4 Let me know how much time do you need and the price. Please note that the module 1-click upgrade won't work (I tried it).
  4. Hi All, I am looking for a person who can upgrade my shop from 1.4 to the newest version and make all URLs https (with an SSL which is already installed). The website is http://www.e-ciggy.com Please let me know how long it will take you to complete this job and what would be the price. Thank you.
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