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Everything posted by Rainbowgeorge69

  1. I have the same problem, my attribute is stuck on the wrong one, I can change it to the correct one and save it but when I return to check it I see it has went back to the old wrong attribute. I'm getting a message on my online shop ' combination does not exist '. I think we have the same problem
  2. Hello everyone I am trying to enter text when my product is out of date but it won't allow me, it just says ' the description field english english is invalid '. It works okay with some products but not with others. Any ideas why? Thanks.
  3. I have been talking to various SEO companies and they have offered me monthly packages including back-linking and blog writing. What I want to know is if they do a good job like they promise, does this need to be done again and how often. Can I just do nothing again for say 6 months and will the work they done still have the same effect? All can anyone give me a link to a free online page loading tool? Thanks in advance.
  4. Good, actually the only copied content was where I copied the home page details onto my Linkedin company page, so I already have solved this, thanks very much.
  5. Thanks I checked the results and many are because the Prestashop layout theme is the same as mine, do you think Google can penalize for this, there is nothing I can do about it really, it's the way the theme is laid out.
  6. Hi thanks for the reply, I am not sure what you mean by 'top Image Pagination', can you send a screenshot? Basically I think my staff may have been lazy and copy and pasted some material from Wikipedia, I just want to check to see if my site has any copied content, and if Google are penalizing me.
  7. Hi can anybody tell me what software I can use to check if any of the content on my site is showing as copied content, thanks.
  8. Hi mate what software did you use to find out I had some copied material, I found out some of my staff copied and pasted from Wikipedia, I want to go back and correct it, thanks in advance.
  9. Hi Guys I made some changes to fonts and also the logo, and removed the black boxes around the Home Text etc, what do you think now? Thanks for your valuable advice.
  10. Would anyone like to take a look at my site and test it, much appreciated, contains adult content so be warned, thanks The site is www.pleasureireland.eu.
  11. Hi, I have a folder called 'dresses', I want to put the entire folder on sale at 10%, do I have to do each one individually? I tried to do one, I entered the 10% and it reduced the price correctly in the setup, but the original price will only show on the site when published, also what are the setting for the group, country and currency, not sure what it means, thanks....also the for sale logo is failing to display
  12. I made some progress, I installed a module which allowed me insert code into home page. I now have the site seal from GoDaddy on my home page. I dont have the green bar at the top where the URL is, I went to preferences like you said and tried to enable SSL but I got the following warning. It says I am been redirected to web hosting hub, who are my hosting company. I guess I need contact them now, thanks for the help. Sorry I don't know what comodo is?
  13. I want to install the html code into the heading of the home page, and also the the logo, but I dont seem to have any module which alllows me to edit the html of the home page, I already asked an expert and he couldn't do it either, he said there is no means of editing the code of the home page. I will try what you said, thanks.
  14. I recently bought an SSL Cert from GoDaddy, they gave me the HTML code to insert into homepage, but where and how can I do this, I can't find any option, do I have to download a special module and pay for it just to do this?
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