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  1. Thank you bellini13. I see, it's a pity this is not supported though. Perhaps anyone knows of any similar guide? Thanks!
  2. Hello, I have made a module to accept payments through a third party payment gateway. What I need now is to add a payment fee when using this method. Does PrestaShop API provide specific hooks for this, so the customer can see the amount of the fee before he pays and also have a separate block in the order's page (front office and back office) which will display this fee? Thanks!
  3. Thanks Paul, I have already read this tutorial, but it is about the Shipping>Preferences amount (or in 1.5 Shipping->Shipping), which, as I mentioned, is not what I need. I also believe that in cases you need different "Free shipping starts at" with different carriers this will not work correctly. For example: Free shipping to UK starts at 20$ Free shipping to Europe starts at 40$ Free shipping to USA and Asia starts at 80$ Free shipping to Australia starts at 120$ So then if the customer is logged in he will see the correct amount. I think that it should be based on the Cart Rules, where you can choose specific carriers. Any idea or suggestion?
  4. Hello, I believe this is a feature that many might be looking for. I would like to know how to show to each customer how much does he have to add to his cart in order to get free shipping, depending on his zone. I have been looking for this for a while and didn't find a solution. I could only find how to get that amount which is set at Shipping > Preferences > "Free shipping starts at", which is not what I need. The correct way should be ( in my opinion ) to show the amount set at the Cart Rules, where I can choose a carrier. I have noticed that there is a function that already does this $cart_rules = $params['cart']->getCartRules(); in file modules>blockcart>blockcart.php, but this only gets the "Free shipping" rule if the cart total has reached this amount. Is it posible to get this amount , by giving the ID of the carrier, even if the cart total has not reached this amount? I hope that you understand what I mean... Thanks!
  5. Well I can't say that I solved this issue, but I came up with a simple by pass, which might be usefull for someone, so here it is: I edited file classes/Cart.php in line about 1220 after $shipping_cost *= 1 + ($carrierTax / 100); I added $lyr_order_total = $this->getOrderTotal(true, Cart::ONLY_PHYSICAL_PRODUCTS_WITHOUT_SHIPPING); $lyr_default_cur = Configuration::get('PS_CURRENCY_DEFAULT'); if( $this->id_currency != $lyr_default_cur){ $lyr_order_total = Tools::convertPrice((float)$lyr_order_total, $this->id_currency, false ); } /*Have to find out the id of the zone*/ if ( $id_zone == 7 && $lyr_order_total >= 40 ) return 0.00; As you can see it is not a very accurate solution when a user has selected a currency different than the default one. I hope someone could correct this.
  6. Hello!! The title quite explains what I want to do, but here are the details: I have created two carriers, one for delivery in country zone A, and one for delivery in country zone B. Each estimates shipping cost based on product weight. I would like though to make an offer for the customers in zone A and give free shipping for orders that exceed 40 Euros. Is this posible in presta shop?
  7. I guess you 're right... Got a bit mixed up. Thanks!!
  8. Hallo !!! while I was playing with the top menu module I accidentally deleted the home menu (from tools->cms)... So now there is a link to contact, sitemap and bookmarks, but not for home. How can I fix this? Using Thanks!!
  9. Thanks, I did that and also found out it was in another tpl file in the modules, footerSomething.tpl that I added during theme installation.
  10. Hi, would you mind sharing which file was it? I have the same issue, downloaded the agent ransack programm, deleted the link from footer.tpl, but it still doesn't go away... It's still in the footer
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