I believe this is a feature that many might be looking for. I would like to know how to show to each customer how much does he have to add to his cart in order to get free shipping, depending on his zone.
I have been looking for this for a while and didn't find a solution. I could only find how to get that amount which is set at Shipping > Preferences > "Free shipping starts at", which is not what I need.
The correct way should be ( in my opinion ) to show the amount set at the Cart Rules, where I can choose a carrier.
I have noticed that there is a function that already does this
$cart_rules = $params['cart']->getCartRules();
in file modules>blockcart>blockcart.php, but this only gets the "Free shipping" rule if the cart total has reached this amount.
Is it posible to get this amount , by giving the ID of the carrier, even if the cart total has not reached this amount?
I hope that you understand what I mean...