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Everything posted by jimlarsson

  1. I didn't know about this problem with IE 7/8, but many users just told me they can't see any text at all in the product page. I tried enabling "Use CCC for CSS", but nothing changed.... :-/ More than 20% of our customers use IE 8. Prestashop version: Any idea please??
  2. Hi everybody, I need to randomize products in category listings. I really need it. I found this topic (http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/147151-random-listings-in-categories/), but no practical solution is provided. I also found solutions to randomize home featured products, but none for product listings. I need some code that could work as if an additional random option was available in Preferences > Products > Default order by... Any idea highly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  3. Hi all, In product.tpl AND product-list.tpl, I need to change: - the original product price for: - the lowest of the prices with quantity discount (when applicable). I've been playing with this code… {if $product.quantity_discounts} {if $quantity_discount.price != 0 OR $quantity_discount.reduction_type == 'amount'}<p class="price_container"><span class="price">{if !$priceDisplay}{convertPrice price=$productPrice-$quantity_discount.real_value|floatval} {/if} {/if} … but I'm not a programmer and I don't know what I am actually doing, so it didn't work. I think it would be useful for many other people to find an easy solution. ANY IDEAS? THANKS!!!
  4. I mean, there is no such field "Quantity" when the product is a downloadable product. Only the text that says the minimum quantity to be purchased (when applicable). How can I make that "Quantity" field appear?
  5. I see, minimum quantity can't be changed in front office when associated to a downloadable product (v. It is displayed, but not as a manipulable field, and thus it can't be increased. I sell activities and events, and all my products are downloadable products (tickets, personal contact information, etc.). So, for me, minimum quantity corresponds to the minimum number of people that will attend a certain event. I need the customer to be able to increase that number beyond the minimum quantity if needed. I've been trying different solutions, but none worked. Is there a way to do it? I hope so… Thanks in advance.
  6. Hi, Your solution works just fine. Yes, I have to edit the email template, but I think I can deal with that. Thank you so much!
  7. Thanks, sekbos! Is sounds good, and I think it could work for me. However, I'm not a programmer, and when I look at the code of PaymentModule.php, I just don't know which lines should I edit... Any suggestion?
  8. Hi, I sell activities and events, not physical products, and there are some details about the activity that are provided to the costumer only after purchase (e.g. contact name, telephone number...), so differences in templates should be determined by product ID. Differences in templates would only affect text content. As a provisional solution I will create downloadable products and include this "post-purchase information" in a downloadable PDF, but that's one more step and many clicks for customers, and I'd like to make the process easier for them. Just as better as an automatic specific email template for each product (or even better, to avoid information duplication) could be to automatically email customers the same PDF that can be downloaded from their account. Is there a way to do so? Thanks!
  9. Hi, I need to send different email templates depending on the product that has been purchased. They should be sent automatically after purchase, in addition to those that are sent by default. I also need to define additional email addresses where each of these emails are sent. Is there a way to do it? Any idea highly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
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