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Everything posted by PierPier

  1. I posted a very similar question here: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/151341-minimal-order-quantity-per-order/ maybe you can share your ideas and give me an help... :-)
  2. I posted this: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/151341-minimal-order-quantity-per-order/ if you have found a solution could you please share it?
  3. I'm trying to aggregate all the people looking for a solution to this problem, so check this: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/151341-minimal-order-quantity-per-order/
  4. Hello, I posted a very similar question here: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/151341-minimal-order-quantity-per-order/ if you have any news share the solution :-)
  5. Hi, I posted a similar question here: http://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/151341-minimal-order-quantity-per-order/ have you any idea to solve my issue?
  6. You said you have seen it, could you please provide me a link? if it is a paid module is not a problem. Do you will able to create a module for that? How much it will cost? Thanks
  7. Hi Richard, I'm using PrestaShop 1.4. The minimum quantity in the product page imposes a minimum for that specific product/item, it says: "you have to buy X items of this kind to proceed". My problem is a little different cause it is not per-product, but per-order mininum quantity, this means that your order has to contain X items - in total - thus also of different kind. Example: you have a Kitcheware Store, you sell dishes, cutlery and tablecloth so you have several types of dishes, cutlery and tablecloth. You do not care how the customer aggregate the items, but you want that he has to buy at least 4 dishes, at least 12 pieces of cutlery and at least 1 tablecloth. So, for instance, if the customer try to buy 2 dishes he cannot finalize the order, but if he try to buy 5 dishes and 1 tablecloth everything is good. I hope this example explain my issue :-) Do you know any module that solves this? Modules that i find: minimal order by groups and minimal product quantity
  8. Hi all, I checked around, but I cannot found a solution to this problem even if a lot of people asks about. If I miss the solution please share the link. I need to solve the following issue: I need that my customers buy a minimal number of items to complete the order procedure. There are several shops that need this kind feature. Think for instance to a wineshop that sells 6 or more different bottles per order, but not less than 6 and additionally it has also different items that can be sold one by one. I found this post that fix this problem (for older version of PrestaShop) making some mod in the code, but that mod does not work for newer versions. I hope you can help me!! Thank you all!!!
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