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Everything posted by rmiho

  1. any updates on this? I have the new version 8.1.2 and still same issue
  2. This is the issue when upgrading prestashop/modules. The other store I have is still running old version and paypal module credit card is working fine.
  3. ended up creating stripe ac and was pretty straight fwd.
  4. I disabled all the caches in the performance section and still when I select credit/card radio button nothing happens:(
  5. Same Issue :(. Anyone has any solution yet?
  6. Hi, could you please share the content of the file post edit so can look into it. may be upgrade the store to latest version?
  7. check out below thread https://www.prestashop.com/forums/topic/272089-redirect-to-internal-link/?tab=comments#comment-3049983
  8. i was using 1.7.5 and just upgraded to but the changes i did were gone. So i added the code again and working as expected
  9. What version of prestashop you running? I see your contents identical to mine. Do you have a dev/demo site? Did you clear the cache?
  10. edit the file /controllers/front/AuthController.php (backup the file before you modify anything) find below $should_redirect = false; add after above $ggw_should_redirect = false; find below if ($hookResult && $register_form->submit()) { $should1_redirect = true; and replace above with if ($hookResult && $register_form->submit()) { $ggw_should_redirect = true; find if clause if ($should_redirect && !$this->ajax) { and after end if clause add below if clause if ($ggw_should_redirect && !$this->ajax) { $back = urldecode(Tools::getValue('back')); if (Tools::urlBelongsToShop($back)) { return $this->redirectWithNotifications('address'); } if ($this->authRedirection) { return $this->redirectWithNotifications($this->authRedirection); } // go home return $this->redirectWithNotifications(__PS_BASE_URI__); }
  11. Noticed that you can add the address without login in prestashop yourprestashopstore.com/address let me know if you experiencing the same issue? Cheers Aziz
  12. after spending few days managed to redirect to address page as soon as new user register.
  13. figured it out how to redirect to address page after new user register
  14. does anyone have the solution? I am looking a way to redirect to different page as soon as customer click on save button in registration form. thanks
  15. hi Emmauel, I am interested in your module. but not 100% sure if it will work the way i am expecting. whats the refund policy? Also wondering if you have any module that can do dynamically shipping cost (using api) based in the dimensions and weight of the cartons ? cheers rocky
  16. Hi, you can modify click on modules >> positions chekc the box Display non-positionable hooks and then search for displayNav
  17. delete the following from invoice.tpl 1) <br />{l s='(Tax Excl.)' pdf='true'} 2) {if $tax_excluded_display} {l s='(Tax Excl.)' pdf='true'} {else} {l s='(Tax Incl.)' pdf='true'} 3) {if $tax_excluded_display} {l s='(Tax Excl.)' pdf='true'} {else} {l s='(Tax Incl.)' pdf='true'} {/if} 4) (Tax Excl.)
  18. Hi, looks like its hard coded. I was able to remove by modifying invoce.tpl in pdf folder 1) remove <br />{l s='(Tax Excl.)' pdf='true'} 2) search for Tax Excl string and delete it 3) save the invoice.tpl now regenerate invoice in BO
  19. hey I think I figured it out. I had to make 2 changes. 1 change span4 to span2 in product-list.tpl and the other thing changed was from 3 to 4 in the below. </div> {if $product@iteration%4==0||$smarty.foreach.products.last} </div> Thanks any way.
  20. Hi you can reach to server if you can add the below entry to your local host file. xyz once you connected, click on bags category from the menu Let me know if any issues. Thank you Regards
  21. Hi Vekia, I was trying something similar but not for homefeatured, I am trying for the products displayed in categories. currently it shows 3 products. each block is 31% . I reduced this it 20% and made some space after 3 products. However this doesnt not bring the next products in first row Any clue? thanks in advance.
  22. Hi, I am using presta, noticed that when I try to drag and drop to change the slide position in slide configuration it doesn't change. any clue? module: image slider for your homepage by prestasthop 1.2.1 prestashop version:
  23. could u please cdhk and confirm sitemap status below is mine status This Sitemap index was submitted Nov 16, 2013, and processed Nov 16, 2013.
  24. so far looks good, resubmitted sitemap to google and its in pending state. Does anyone know why my images are not getting indexed by google? It used to with really old version of google site map. after that i updated my prestashop, and new versions of google sitemap. I am currently on version 1.5.4
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