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Everything posted by Obskure

  1. Hi again. I am looking to add two new lines to the address of both member customers and instant checkout sales. At the moment, a customer registering for the first time gets to use Address (Line 2) to input new address, but on instant checkout customers only get one address line. I understand that one can write their complete address on 1 line but the feedback I'm getting is that they are so used to seeing "address, address(line 2), County" etc... I am looking to integrate the following: 1. For customers wishing to register their details, I need to add a text field/drop down box for "County" for the address details & 2. I therefore need to add "address(line 2)" & "County" fields for those who choose the Instant Checkout. I hope you can understand what I'm looking for!
  2. Hi Mike, I actually found what I was looking for in "Contact Information" under the "Preferences" tab. It resolved the issue I was having with the name not responding correctly in the areas where I attached the photos. As an aside, I edited the DB entry which you specified, as it was still appearing as "Prestashop". Thank you v. much for your input & very fast response John
  3. Hi. New here. I have been playing with prestashop for a while now and would have thought I knew my way around the back-end failry ok, but I can't for the life of me fix this. Basically, when installing the shop, I spelled the name of the shop incorrectly and now, the back-end displays the wrong name for the shop, as does the tags on the browser etc. Where can I rename the shop either through the back office interface or in the DB(I have access) Thanks in advance J
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