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  1. Hi Pascal, I have checked layered block navigation module and max depth (unlimited) is 0 but the filtering doesn't work. it shows now also the level 3 subcategories (=children category) in the same line as level 2 categories. Thus not as an sub option. Also the level 2 categories with a sub category are NOT selectable in the filter. I have checked all settings but doesn't look that it is setting issue.
  2. I have enable layered navigation option but 3rd sub level filtering is not working. If I select the 1st sub, the layer filering works but 2nd sub is visable but not selectable see setup : parent category / 1st sub / 2nd sub / 3rd sub If category setup with 2 sub level it works good. 3 levels = working parent category / 1st sub category / 2nd subcategory Is this a bug, or did I setup something wrong ?
  3. thanks for quick response ! I actually want to use the new font in the long description of the productdescription. As a heading to make several sections.
  4. Hello, I want to add a new font and also add 11 pt font size as we to personalize or website How can I do this ? Or do I need to use the free webfonts of Google http://www.google.com/fonts/ Thx
  5. @benjamin : it is somebody or something (by guest) who just filling the cart. @fanatic : how can log or find the ip in prestashop?
  6. Hello, Everyday our prestashop has about 8 filled shopping carts by a guest within between 0 and 60 secs. Under the menu customers/shopping carts. For example 4 carts in one second. It looks like an automated filling with always same qty and same amounts over 8 carts We tried to stop it by only allow cart by registered customers. Also geolocation but didn't help. now our provider says that we need provide the ip so they can block the ip address. how can we log the ip address and how can we improve the security of our webshop ?
  7. Hello Benjamin, yes i have deleted via ftp the hipay module and everything works again. thanks
  8. i think I found the problem. on the dashbord a commercial banner of Hipay and when you per accident click on it you install it. next time module is not working correctly. can i just delete the map hipay in the modules ?
  9. i have checked and get this message : Warning: require(../html/www/modules/hipay/backward_compatibility/backward.php) [function.require]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in .../html/www/modules/hipay/hipay.php on line 77 Fatal error: require() [function.require]: Failed opening required '.../html/www/modules/hipay/backward_compatibility/backward.php' (include_path='.:/usr/share/php:/usr/share/pear') in .../html/www/modules/hipay/hipay.php on line 77
  10. hello, My menu option modules/modules and modules/payment are not accessible anymore to add a module. internet explorer gives an internal http-failure 500 failure (Internal Server Error) and also : index.php?controller=AdminModules&token=a406be55c5309cf2c65dae0700f6f4b5 Please advise how to solve this problem. Thanks in advance.
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