All parameters have been set but shipping just stopped charging overnight for no apparent reason. Can anyone please advise what else I can do? I have checked all the obvious places (to me - a non-techie ). Its costing me money Thanks
Some products have disappeared from one of my pages and I thought that I actually had to upgrade to keep the site running smoothly.
Am I totally wrong here?
Currently running the following
Version - 7.825s
I have been quoted €360 to download the newest version of Prestashop on to 2 websites. Is this a good deal or how much should I expect to pay?
Would really appreciate your help
No I've been locked out of the control panel ! I need to contact the support desk in the morning to reset - I still dont really understand the commands you have written above but before I claim defeat I will try when I gain access! Thanks a mill for your help so far ..much appreciated.
Please help... I am unable to access my adminshop on one of my sites - I have left a website idle for some time. I did have a company looking after my website but they closed and I can no longer contact them - trouble is that I do not know the password and the e mail address used for lost password is not my e mail address!! Is there anything I can do - can someone please help?
Thanks !
I am looking for someone to make some minor changes to prestashop from time to time. I am currently looking to activate discount codes.
If you can help, please contact me at to advise time scales and pricing etc.