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  1. Hi aurelkurtula , I faced a similar problem you posted in May. Can I check how exactly you do it? I try doing the modifying the tpl but it can't work. I'm new so maybe my modifications are wrongly done.
  2. HI Oryon, I have already done these 2 option checked. In Admin panel -> Preferences -> SEO & URLs -> Set up URLs -> Friendly URL - Yes Then in Index page of admin panel -> right side -> Check list -> URL rewriting -> Checked the option: Friendly URL But I still cannot access the weight ranges. How does URL writing help? I don't have problem with the price ranges. Please advise
  3. Hi, I want to configure a customized carrier billed according to weight in prestashop1.4.4.1. I can configure all the tabs under shipping without problem except "Weight Ranges" tab. When I attempt to click "add new" in "Weight Ranges" page, it redirect me to the Forbidden 403 page. I have no problem when I do the same for the "Price Ranges" tab. When I view my shop web pages, it states "There are no carriers available that will deliver to this address." When I try to configure "billed according to price", I also see the same "There are no carriers available that will deliver to this address." message. Totally clueless what is happening. Can anyone help?
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