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About kp83peter

  • Birthday 07/14/1983

kp83peter's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I am getting message: 404 Not Found Don't know why it is.. though I have uploaded all files in server.. Attached are 2 screen shots.
  2. Hello Mike, I am using free domain and web host for learning.. attached are 2 screen shots.. I've uploaded all fles on server and getting this message.. Please check and reply. Thanks!
  3. Hello Mike, I am using free domain and web host for learning.. attached are 2 screen shots.. I've uploaded all fles on server and this message.. Please check and reply. Thanks!
  4. Hello Folks, I need your assistance to install presta shop. After downloading, I uploaded all files and sub directories on server main directory (without uploading in any folder or sub category as shown in installing pdf guide). Now i am struck on Step 4 '' Start Your E-Commerce Site'' - 4 Steps to Personalize Your Site Once all files/subdirectories are transferred onto your server, open your web browser and copy your domain name followed by:/install. Example:www.mydomain.com/install . You are now at the cuztomization stage of the installation process. . Choose your language and accept the terms and conditions. All files and subdirectories are transferred onto server.. but customization page is not coming up..!!! I tried many times by deleting and again uploading files on server... but all in vain.. Can anyone help me fixing this problem so I may start process. Thanks! Installing Presta Shop.pdf
  5. Hello, Can any one help me understanding difference between Presta Shop and Presta Box? I checked, Presta Box is offering hosting etc.. but all website templates are on Presta Shop website.. Presta Shop is just an e-commerce software? with addons like web templates? It would be very nice if someone reply with detailed information. Thanks! Peter
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