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Everything posted by acheung48

  1. Hi All, I encounter a problem of my website display problem: http://www.zocare.com It can't display correctly: Do you have any suggestions for this? I've reloaded the backup from Bluehost cPlannel. It does not help. Thanks Alex
  2. I reduce the "Product Desc" from 9em to 0em in global.css so that the desc is remove from upper section of the raw. Does it affect the result? Alex
  3. More: <a href="{$product.link}" title="{l s='More' mod='homefeatured'}">{$product.description_short|strip_tags|truncate:130:'...'} and * <div class="product_desc"><a href="{$product.link}" title="{l s='More' mod='homefeatured'}">{$product.description_short|strip_tags|truncate:130:'...'}</a></div> But all are not worked. Alex
  4. Hi Rocky, Thank you for your comment. I have a similar problem. I try to comment out the line as your mention by different express: <div class="product_desc"><!-- <a href="{$product.link}" title="{l s='More' mod='homefeatured'}">{$product.description_short|strip_tags|truncate:130:'...'} --></a></div> <div class="product_desc">{*<a href="{$product.link}" title="{l s='More' mod='homefeatured'}">{$product.description_short|strip_tags|truncate:130:'...'}*} </a></div> {*<div class="product_desc"><a href="{$product.link}" title="{l s='More' mod='homefeatured'}">{$product.description_short|strip_tags|truncate:130:'...'}/a></div>*} <!-- <div class="product_desc"><a href="{$product.link}" title="{l s='More' mod='homefeatured'}">{$product.description_short|strip_tags|truncate:130:'...'} </a></div> --> Or event delete this line, but the resullt does not change. The pixel setting is: {assign var='liHeight' value=242} Could you give me any suggestions? Alex
  5. Hi everyone, I've encountered the PayPal intergration: the Log: Please refer to logs: PayPal response: TIMESTAMP -> 2011-09-16T12:52:23Z L_ERRORCODE0 -> 10415 L_SHORTMESSAGE0 -> Transaction refused because of an invalid argument. See additional error messages for details. L_LONGMESSAGE0 -> A successful transaction has already been completed for this token. L_SEVERITYCODE0 -> Error I've switched to my Merchant account instead of my Sandbox account. But still got the same result. I also tried to install Prestashop on Bluehost two times without gettting improvement. Can anyone give me suggestions? Thanks Alex
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