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  1. Hello, I just tried to install Module Mobile template on my Prestashop 1.5.4 but it return foll. error: The following module(s) were not installed properly: - mobile_theme : This module cannot be installed on this version of PrestaShop. how to solve it?
  2. Hello, My site is updated to from Title in customer address is showing "Uknown" instead of Mr/Mrs.
  3. I have accidently deleted the module Block Categories from my site (prestashop Now i am trying to install it could not do it. can some one suggest what is the problem?
  4. hello, want some help regarding price and description position on product page. I am using prestashop Problem is price of product and descrioption is showing under the product image. it should be on the right side of the product image. some one please help me to solve it
  5. kan pricerunner och prisjakt påverka google pagerank? hur viktigt är dom egentligen?
  6. tack Magnus ""du sa Kataloger är inte de bästa länkarna men de är en start." vad kan man göra mer?
  7. i am not good at coding, can you please help me how to write it up in htaccess?
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